A Different Perspective

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Chapter 8

After the fight with Amber and Lily the next will be Yuki vs Mono.

Mono had Crystalization Magic.

Yuki had Ice Magic.

The fight began and it was pretty even. They both would launch their magics at eachother and it would clash. It was a battle of smarts and endurance.

"Wow, I didnt think Mono would keep up with Yuki. I guess she was a lot stronger than she was letting on." Lily said.

"Its practically evenly matched." Rui added.

"Since Mono's Crytals are more sturdier and harder than Yuki's ice, she has the upper hand right now. I still think Yuki will win though." Amber stated.

"I dont know about that... Yuki seems to be slowly losing her edge."

"We should make a bet!" Lily declared. "I vote for Mono."

"I also vote for Mono." Rui nodded his head.

"I bet on Yuki." Amber said. "What about you, Kairo?"

They turned to Kairo to see if he would answer. Kairo sighed.

"This is a boring fight in general, I dont care."

"Well whoever wins gets to ask one favor from the loser. It can be anything." Lily said.

"Fun! Come on Kairo, might as well bet."

"Ugh, Yuki will win."

"All the bets are in, who will be the victor!" Lily announced.

The fight continued as Mono continued launching her attacks. Yuki was getting overwhelmed plus her magic was running low. It looked grim.

"Might as well just give us the win." Lily gloated.

"Its not over until its over." Amber stated.

"It looks over to me."

"Yuki will win because she's a quick thinker and creative with her magic." Amber declared.

"That doesn't really matter if someone just overpowers you though." Rui said.

"You say that as if Lily didnt just lose to Amber, even though Lily is a powerhouse."

Lily and Rui started to realize theres more to just strength. Kairo sighed.

"Yuki uses her magic in a way that most ice users never use their magic. Since that's the case she has the elements of the unknown which catches people off guard." Kairo stated.

"To top it all off Yuki is one of the strongest people in class for a reason. She always has a plan and then a back up plan and then a back up back up plan. Maybe Mono is just falling into her trap." Amber added.

It looked as if Mono was about to win but before she could finish Yuki off, Yuki had some tricks up her sleeve. Suddenly a bunch of ice spikes came out the ground.

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