First Lesson

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Chapter 2

The class was curious as to why an inmate is here today. He didnt look like someone who would be in jail. His smile seemed pure and he didnt look like a bad guy.

"Everyone, this is Aito Latom. A vigilante who has killed over 3000 people as well can rival legendary magic users with his magic. The only reason we're able to contain him because of those special handcuffs." Maiko said.

Everyone was shocked that he killed so many people. Rui was curious to what his magic was if hes able to rival legendary magic users.

"The cuffs are special magic dampeners which constantly drain his energy so hes unable to use his magic. No need to worry about him breaking out either."

"I think I've heard about him on the news." Amber whispered.

The 3 looked at her intrigued.

"Hes known for going after big organizations and destroying them from the ground up. Hes pretty strong and it says he had no remorse for doing what he did."

"Hes a pretty bad guy then,huh? That smile earlier gave me the creeps." Lily shuttered.

"The little girl beside him is his little sister, Aiya Latom. Shes 10 years old and insists on staying with her brother until the end." Maiko quiet down her voice for a second. "She doesnt know her brother is getting executed soon, so try to be nice with her."

"E-Executed..." Rui said surprised.

"Why are you so shocked? Hes a supposedly famous vigilante who's killed a bunch of people. It would make sense to make an example out of him." Kairo replied.

"I feel bad for his sister..." Amber said.

"Its a shame. People like this exist in this world I guess." Lily shook her head.

"Aiya you want to say hi to everyone?" Maiko asked.

She was a little shy at first, looking at her brother for clearance. Aito smiled telling her to say hi to everyone. The little girl waved at the class.

"Oh my god shes so adorable. Hiiiii!" Lily said as she waved at her.

"Ok moving on. Aito and Aiya will just be watching as in the future Aiya wants to join this school. So show a good example of your skills." Maiko cheered on.

Kairo didnt understand Aito. Someone who's killed 3000 people and about to get executed  looks more happier than ever. Hes acting like everything's fine, does he have a plan to escape or is he just crazy?

"I have a question for Aito." Kairo said.

"Hm. One question is fine I suppose."

Kairo looked over at Aito.

"Is there a good reason why you killed so many people?"

Aito wasnt phased by the question, he didnt hesitate to answer either.

"It doesn't really matter if I have a good reason or not, I'm still going to be stuck here in these shackles. I will tell you this though..." He gave a big smile. "I'd to it 10 times over again, I dont have any regrets."

The little girl was confused byt what they were talking about but got distracted mid way through by a butterfly that passed by her face. Kairo was slowly understanding what type of person Aito is.

"I see..." Kairo sighed. "Can I be excused I'm not feeling well."

"I was looking most forward to see you in action, such a shame. The cabins are to the right, one of your teachers will keep an eye on you." Maiko said.

"Um you ok, Kairo?" Rui asked.

"Yea I just need to think about something." He said as he walked passed them, rubbing the back of his neck.

Rui,Lily and Amber were very confused. As Kairo was walking to the cabins, lots of thoughts filled his head.

"A vigilante who doesnt regret doing what he did. Hes always smiling and genuine with everything he says. Hes acting as if nothing is wrong, he truly believes he did nothing wrong."

Kairo scratched his head.

"I wonder... if I go after THE 6IX will I be labeled as a vigilante as well."

"Alright class, would you all now follow me so we can begin the lesson." Maiko said.

The students followed her pass the hill which lead to an open field.

"The first lesson will be a scavenger hunt. I have a list of things for you all to collect and whoever collects the most before the timer ends, gets a prize. You can do teams up to 4."

The list read:

Giant Leaves (2 points)
Glow Berries (2 points)
Enda Stones (5 points)

Troco Feathers (8 points)
Sen Zubeans (5 points)
Ocarina Fruits (8 points)
Rokakas (30 points)

"Excuse me, What are Rokakas?" Yuki asked.

"Those are wild beasts that live in this area. They're quite strong so if your team cant handle it, fire an SOS with your magic and I'll deal with them."

"This all seems pointless to be honest..." Coal added.

"Heres your first lesson. Learning your surroundings. This is Chikoyo Island, everything here is filled with magic. Everything on the list can help enhance your magic." Maiko said.

Everyone understood what they had to do and they got into groups.

"Looks like it's just us three." Amber said.

"Kind of nostalgic, like the obstacle course we did together." Rui added.

The 3 remember back to how much of a fail it was the first time they teamed up. This time it will be different though.

"You all have an hour to collect what you need. Let's see what all you guys got. You may begin."

Aito and Aiya stood back as they watched everyone get into groups and start exploring. He noticed that the class was filled with high tiers. Normally you wouldn't see so many high tiers in one spot.

All of them were strong especially the one group that had ice magic, water magic and lightning magic. If they honed their skills well that would be an actually threat.

All the other teams were quite amazing too but Rui's team really caught his eyes. A fire magic user who can rival all the high tiers here, and a nature magic user who could rival a fire magic user.

"Interesting..." he thought.

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