Class Tournament

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Chapter 4

"Hey guys what did I miss?" Amber said as she walked in.     

"You didn't miss much actually, we were just about to start." Rui said.

"Yeah nothing at all, just a scary edgy hot new kid who passed by, but other than that nothing at all."

Amber looked at Lily slightly confused but just left it alone for now.

"Alright let's begin, Amber you're first." Mr Shiro instructed.

"But I just came..."

"Exactly. Basically choose a number, the higher the number,the faster the balls will shoot out. Your goal is to dodge them all. Begin."

"Uh uh uh,okkkkk. I choose the number 7." Amber said determined.

The balls shot out and though they were fast,it was nothing compared to how fast Kairo's was.

Amber's reaction time was good but she still got hit by two balls.

"Those were pretty fast, I was barely able to dodge them. I cant imagine someone doing 10." Amber said.

Rui and Lily looked at eachother and gave an awkward laugh, already knowing what 10 looked like.

Rui wanted to match Kairo, since he decided Kairo will be his rival. So when it was his turn he chose the number 10 without hesitation.

Everyone was kind of surprised and wanted to see the outcome. Was Rui at the level of that monster?

He wasnt.

All 9 balls hit him and someone he was able to dodge the last ball. He fell on his ass and he could finally start to see the gap between him and the ominous figure of Kairo.

It didn't discourage him though, it actually got him more riled up.

Everyone in the class did numbers from 1-5, except for Samuel,Lily, Yuki,Shinkai and Coal who did numbers range from 7-8.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. They all ate their lunches and talked about things that were kinda uninteresting.

So now it was time for next class, Team Training.

"I still have a lot of training to do to catch up to him." Rui said.

"We all do to be honest." Lily added.

"Is Kairo really that much of a monster?" Amber question.

Rui and Lily looked at eachother and gave another awkward laugh. Amber stood there confused.

"Ok class, like I mention yesterday we are doing 'Team Sparring' which is basically like a mini tournament within the class." The teacher stated.

"Do I have to be in a team?" Kairo questioned.

"Well it is Team Training so, of course. You're on that team over there." She pointed at Rui and the others.

Kairo bellowed a deep sigh.

"Now, Heres the arena. Rules are simple 2 teams will go against eachother 1 on 1 style. Winner stays on or can switch out with their remaining team members."

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