Leaving the Rest to You

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Chapter 2

The bell rang and now it was time for lunch.

"Man I still dont have the hang of it, each Inner Maho is so different from one another. This wont be easy." Rui said.

"Practice makes perfect after all."Lily shrugged.

"Hopefully we all get the hang of it by the end of next week." Amber smiled.

The 3 went to the cafeteria and ate their lunch, talking about useless thing and making jokes here and there. Lunch was up and it was time for next class.

"Ok class today's lesson might be a bit different. Today I want the top 4 students in this class to fight Kairo. Kairo is a very dangerous person so I want to see how you handle such a person." The teacher said.

"Kairo do you think you can hand all that." Lily whispered.

"Hopefully I get a decent warm up atleast." Kairo said unphased.

"The top 4 students of this class are, Yuki, Shinkai, Coal and Samuel. The rest of the students will observe this battle and take notes. This will be graded. Everyone come to the field."

Rui was surprised to know that he wasnt top 4 in the class. It was kind of hard to believe as well since hes been training so hard.

"On my mark the fight will begin."

"It wont be the same as last time Kairo, we'll surely win this time."

The team agreed.

"Back it up with your action and show me." Kairo said.

"Ready. Set. G-"

"Hold on, change of plans." Kairo interrupted.

Everyone looked at him confused.

"What is it, Kairo?"

"As fun as it is to beat up 4 people who think they are the best, I feel like it will be to boring." Kairo said.

The whole team started getting angry and agitated.


Kairo sighed.

"Instead I want someone to experience this with me. So if you dont mind, can Rui join me in this battle?"

Everyone turned to Rui. Rui looked at everyone surprise as well.

"I dont see the problem, I'll allow it. Rui you may join Kairo." The teacher said.


It was now a 2 vs 4.

"This will be you first real training. Fighting people the outnumber you. I'll take out the strongest one there but the rest is for you to handle." Kairo said.

"Ok, I'll do my best."

"Good luck."

The fight began as soon as the teacher said 'Go'. As expected everyone focused their attacks on Kairo and completely ignored Rui.

Coal with his lightning speed rushed down Kairo as Yuki and Shinkai assisted him. Samuel stood in the back and analyzed for now.

"Come on guys, I know you're mad but Rui is here as well." Kairo said.

"He's just in the way. You're the real threat." Coal said as he punched Kairo.

Kairo blocked his punch and countered it with his own. Coal went stumbling backwards.

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