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Final Chapter

Kairo realized the situation he was In. In one swift moment he broke free of the vines and pulled Amber in with the remaining vine. Then he karate chopped her neck and she passed out right then and there.

He swung back his fist and ready to counter Rui's attack when he came close enough, but when he looked up Rui was already centimeters away from him.

Kairo's eyes widen in shock.


Rui's fist planted dead on Kairo's face.

"This is what you wanted, Kairo! ILL BACK MY PERSEVERANCE WITH MY STRENGTH, JUST LIKE YOU ASKED!" Rui roared.

The momentum of the punch made Rui go flying into the ground with Kairo.

Rui was hurt bad but still conscious.

Lily was knocked out after the clash between the two.

Amber was passed out by the chop to her neck.

It seemed that Kairo got up to his feet like nothing ever happened. Though that wasnt the case.

Kairo was actually dazed and blood was dripping from his mouth. He had a scary look on his face as if he was just starting to get riled up.

"You can keep going, right? I'm warmed up now, tell me you can keep going, yea?? Yeah!?" Kairo slowly approached Rui with menacing aura.

Kairo's energy was raging all over the place and you can sense the bloodlust coming from him. The other kids had to stop their battles because they sensed it too, even the kids on the field.

"Woah, did they piss off Kairo or something?" A kid asked.

"I think hes just excited..." Ms Rose answered. "The fights over, Kairo. I think your team should take a break."

Kairo snapped out of it and slowly calmed down. At that moment he was really read to go serious but he looked at the situation and realized they were all down for the count. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I was so close too... Fine. I'll say this once, I've acknowledged you all." Kairo said.

"T-Thats not fair Lily and Amber are knocked out, they didn't hear you." Rui said out of breath.

"I'm pretty sure you wanted to hear it it the most though. Heal up and meet me after school with your two friends. You guys did well." Kairo went to go sit down and rest for a bit.

Rui was speechless but overall happy he accomplished one of his goals. He shortly passed out do to being so tired.

Moments later the 3 were put in the infirmary. Rui just woke up.

"The nurse's healing magic is really something special. I might ask her for some lessons" Amber said as she looked at Rui.

Rui didnt answer because he just woke up and hes kind of confused at the moment. Amber just smiled at him.

"Kairo is really a strong opponent. Even the three of us couldnt do anything against him. I wonder if he's gifted or if he put a lot of hard work to get to where he is." Amber said.

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