Chapter 25: Your Destiny

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I looked at him, no one around us had heard and he nodded for me to follow him into the other room. I went ahead and began walking into his cave room that we had layed to rest in the other night. This is where I had seen my final dream with Squirrelflight, I would miss her and all of the other starclan cats.
I looked back at Stoneteller, I knew he was going to tell me something very important by the look on his face so I made sure that I was paying my full attention. He nodded to me and I nodded back at him.
"Moon... The Starclan cats have a destiny for you... But some destinies can change. You must promise that you will not fail them, you are their last hope. Without you they will ciese to exist..." He said to me. I gulped a little bit and then I nodded to him. He looked at me and he smiled.
"Yes... I will do my best..." I said to him. He looked at me dead in my eyes and then he nodded to me. He then walked over to the corner and sat back, he nodded for me to come over.
"I want you to promise this to the cats of the stars... They are looking up to you, although it may not seem like it, you are their last hope." He told me. I looked at him and nodded, then I began walking over to him.
Where he was at there was a stream I had not seen last time. I looked at it and could have sworn that I had seen Firestar and Squirrelflight standing there together smiling at me. But the moment that I blinked they were gone. I looked at Stoneteller and he was staring at the water as well, he then looked over at me.
"You know what to tell them... Not me..." He said to me. I nodded, I was a little bit nervous, I was not the best cat when I was under pressure but I would do my best for these cats. I knew that I would not fail, I never did when I told myself that I was not going to give up.
I sat there for a few moments looking at the water hoping the see the starclan cats, but they were nowhere to be found, I sighed to myself and then I closed my eyes for a few moments. For a few moments I felt afraid, I felt scared like I was a kitten with Tristan again.
The moment passed by me and then I opened my eyes trying to clear my thoughts. Stoneteller was looking right at me and he nodded for me to make the promise to them.
"Squirrelflight... Lionblaze... Jayfeather... Firestar... I promise, that I will do my best for you, I can not promise that I will succeed, but I will die trying." I said to the stream. Although I could not see them, I felt a strong sense of calm and I knew that they were always listening to me when I needed help.
Stoneteller looked at me and then pulled me back for a few moments, he smiled at me and then he nodded at me. I was still afraid, I was always afraid of failure, even when there was no one that I could even fail. But this was a lot worse than the times before.
"I wish you luck on your travels... This will not be the last time I see your blood I sense... Go to Kettle, Oister, and Mint... Tell them that it is time to go, and I wish all of you the best of luck." He said to me. I nodded to him, I was sitting there for a few moments still but he then pushed up against me to go into the other room.
"Thank you Stoneteller, I wish your tribe the best of luck... I hope that some day I will get to see you again." I said to him. He nodded at me and then I began walking through the tunnel to the main room that Stoneteller spent most of his time at.
Mint and the others were nowhere to be seen, but I knew that they had left the room to give Stoneteller his space. I exited the room quietly and then I saw then talking to each other with excited looks all around them. I walked over to them and Kettle nodded to me.
"I thank you, without you help I would have never seen my mother again. The same to Oister as well." He told me, nodding to Oister who looked at me and smiled at me. I smiled back at them and then I nodded to them.
"Stoneteller says we can sleep here for the night and then we have an early morning ahead of us." I said to the cats. They looked at me and then they nodded, they were looking at me as if I was the leader which seemed a bit strange to me.
But I took the leadership in my paws and I would do my best. I smiled at all of them and we all sat down at a nearby nest and layed down for some rest. Kettle and Oister were already out of it, it was very late and we had a very fun day as well.
Mint was still looking there a bit sad, I pushed up against her and she looked at me and smiled. But I could still see a bit of pain on her face. She had seen her brother that had died, I was sure that was the reason she was upset, she had told me that he had died crossing one of the big paths with the monsters.
Luckily we did not have to go by any of them when we came to the mountain but I knew that Mint was afraid of them and we would have to go by one at some point in the future. They were all over the twolegs nest, and I was always so scared when I monster walked by me.
"What's wrong Mint?" I asked her. She lowered her head and I moved close to her feeling her warm body and her love for me. But I knew she was very sad about something and I could feel it in her heart as it pulsed.
"I didn't get to see my mother and father..." She said to me. I looked at her, I could tell she was a bit sad, I felt bad for her that they would not have come and seen her. I then looked at her realizing the reason why that must be. She was still so young, probably just the age between an apprentice and a warrior.
"Mint... This might be because they are still alive out there somewhere." I said to her. She looked at me for a few seconds, she then realized what I had said and she began hopping around. I felt bad for getting her hopes up because I knew what I would have to tell her next.
"If they are out there maybe we can go and find them! They can join us with the clans too!" She said to me. I looked at her for a few seconds but then I shook my head at her. She looked at me saddened by the way I was looking at her and basically telling her no.
"We can't Mint... We have to continue on our journey... Maybe some day we will find them, but we have no idea where they are at and whether we will find them or not." I said to her. She looked at me and then she looked at the ground a bit sadly, I hoped that she was not blaming me for this and thinking that it was my fault.
"I suppose you are right Moon... We don't know... Maybe some day I will find them again." She said to me. I looked at her and then nodded. I really doubted that, those were about the same odds of my mother coming back to life, but you never know what path another cat's destiny may lie.
"Get some rest Mint... We have an early day tomorrow." I told her. She was still looking a bit sad but then she looked at me and then nodded to me. She layed herself down and then quickly fell asleep. I layed down beside her, going up close to her. She began purring in her sleep and I layed to rest with that.

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