Chapter 1: Lost

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Here I was, alone... No one was near me and i was fine with it. The woods were so nice this time of the year. Of course... It always was this time of the year out here. I liked being alone, it was actually kind of nice. I didn't like being around my owner all that much. I was grateful because they gave me food and all of that. But i didn't really like just sitting around in a little area everyday. I wanted to be out there.
Out in those woods that I always saw, that's what Tristan had told it was called. I missed him, I was tired of being alone everyday, my owners weren't there except at night. And it seemed like they were always fighting, they were so loud. They had bought a kitten, but it had died the first few days of being there. It was lonely.
But the woods out here, they were so nice. Tristan had told me "never go out there, there's dogs, wolves, coyotes, badgers... So many bad stuff that would kill you instantly, you're lucky to be here... Trust me." But i didn't really believe him, how would he know... He had never been out there... He had always lived inside this place.
I saw a mouse scurry by. And i decided to chase after it, but unfortunately it hid itself under a root. But just as i was about to head back i saw a bird just further out, I ran after it. But it fluw up just as i was about to get near it.
Dang it, i can never get any of these. If only i had been born out here. With my mother, I had never even met her... Or at least remember her at all. Much less my father... I would never catch any of these at all more than likely... But it was always worth trying, it was still fun. And I hated the food that my owners always gave me... It was so stale and nasty... I could only imagine the taste of a big juicy rabbit or maybe even a nice little bird or mouse.
Tristan had told me not to go out there, he had told me i would most likely die the first night, or I would die from starvation. "Its good to have something like our owners to realie on. Cats can not go out there by themselves." But something just didn't seem right about that... How would cats have even got here in the first place? Surely we weren't born from our owners bodies. That would not seem right at all.
As i was thinking about it, I had failed to realize that there was a dead mouse sitting there right beside me. Interesting... It had intreged me... I wasn't sure what to do with it, whether to eat it or not. I knew it was a dream. It probably wouldn't taste like a real one at all. I just sat there and stared at it for a while. How did it get there? This wasn't me...
"Eat it... Its dead... Like the clans... It wont bite you back." Said a female cat from behind me. I jumped back scared, what kind of dream was this? There had never been a single thing in my dreams until now. Much less another cat. The cat laughed at me, "Come on, it wont taste as good as a real one, but im sure you'd much rather be having one of these, rather then having that nasty food that those things give you everyday."
I was so lost, what was she talking about dead clans? I had never even heard of that word in my life. And I had no idea why i cat had gotten in my dreams... Much less a cat wish stars on her pelt. I had always imagine of the stars, flying high up above to them one day, Tristan thought it was joke. I cared about Tristan but he did not take anything that I had said to him seriously at all. I knew that somewhere in my heart, one day i would be up there flying high into the skies. The cat nudged me and I woke up from my trance. "Eat... Seriously, it will taste way better."
I sniffed the mouse, wondering if this was a trick. Like the way Tristan had died, he had tried out one of those foods that our owners gave us. And a few days later he was dead. Now i was lonely, but maybe not if I had another cat in my dreams like this. But i knew none of this was real. I shook my head no and she scorned at me. Then dug her claws into my my fur, not really hurting me but i felt a slight piece of pain enter into my body.
"Squirrelflight, be easy on him. He doesn't think any of this is real. This is just another dream to him." Said another cat from not to far away, looking slightly the same as her. She shook her head and then walked back a little.
"Firestar, I cant do this, this cat will never find the clans for us and bring them back. You can try but i just cant... This is a joke he has no clue what we are talking about and never will." The cat hissed at him. All went silent for a few. I was so confused. What kind of dream was I in? Where was I? But then the male cat answered back to her almost as if he was talking to me though.
"Squirrelflight, you may have died long ago but you still don't understand death. It was written in the stars, this was part of your destiny, you must help him. He cannot fail, for the sake of the clans. Please, you aren't alive anymore you can't pretend like you are..." Firestar said to her. There it was, the stars... I had only been told of the word to Tristan, but they had stars on their fur and they seemed to talk about it. The shecat looked back at him then look to me for a moment before turning back around. What was he talking about? Not alive anymore, I was so lost what those 2 cats were talking about. I was stuck in a dream that I had never been in again. And normally when i tried to wake up it would work. But right now it wasn't and it scared me deeply. Why were these other cats here? And what did they want with me?
"Okay Firestar, im sorry i just cant forget what happened. No one believes anymore... Much less this cat, he's never even heard of the clans, and why would he help us in the first place?" Squirrelflight responded looked back at me for a short moment. What did that male cat mean by she wasn't alive anymore? I had so many questions. What was going on? Where was I? I had never seen a place so big with water before. And why was a here?
That was the last thing I had thought of as I woke up from this dream. Shaking my head and then forgetting what had really happened last night besides other cats. My owners were in the other room fighting as per usual, and I just ignored it. They would do this nearly every day. I would just sit back and look outside or go to the stars. There was nothing really to do here and i just liked sleeping and thinking about the stars. That's all there really was to living here as a normal cat.
Suddenly as i was just thinking about it the male had ran into the room yelling. I went back a little, scared even though i knew he wasn't going to do anything to me. At least that's what I thought. The female ran into the room yelling at him from the top of her lungs. Almost even crying, and shedding some tears. I was almost tempted to scratch the male. What had he been doing to her from the other room? I had remember a few times of him scratching at her and then hearing a loud pop and then hearing her cry. I knew what was going on, but at the same time... I really didn't understand.
The male was running right over to me. What was he going to do to me, I hissed at him which sent him back a little. Then he looked back at the female and then yelled to her. Scratching her again. Why was he doing that and what was he planning on doing to me? I hope he didn't try to scratch me. That thing was way bigger than me and that would hurt.
Instead he ran back over to me and then picked me up, i scratched at him. Thinking to myself, that might be a big mistake. He could scratch back and he was way bigger and way stronger than me. But he just yelled... He was running to the door, he wasn't going to shove me into that was he? I yelled at the top of my lungs... So scared, I could here the female crying from the other room. The male didn't hit me into the door, instead her opened it and then threw me out of it. As soon as i hit the ground i turned back around, ready to scratch at him. But he had already closed the door. Now i was extremely scared, I heard dogs barking from not to far away, and I just thought of these horror stories that Tristan used to tell me.
I just sat back near a bush, just hoping that they wouldn't come after me. And if they did, I just hoped that they wouldn't see me. At some point they would have to open the door, the couldn't leave me out here all day, and besides, i knew everyday they left early in the morning and typically didn't come back until later at night.

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