Chapter 28 - Scorched Earth

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This chapter is split into two. Because fight scene.

Enjoy :)




How can one describe red?

Scientifically, light waves measuring roughly 700 nanometers wide. It is the wave closest to that of radio waves. It is the color of rubies, cardinals, strawberries, and roses. It is a primary color of both paint and light. Red is the least likely hair color for humans.

Metaphorically, the color of rage, passion, blood, love. It represents dominance, glory; the color of rulers. The ancients recognized the power behind the color red. They saw red in the fires that gave them life. They associated red with the blood spilled for victory. Red had a way to demand attention.

Subconsciously, red is a warning. Too often has humanity seen the blood flow in wars. Red is seductive, drawing us in with or without our knowledge. It will either be our release or our downfall.

That. . . is red.

When all you can see around you is red, it makes you wonder in awe.

From the transparent barrier above us, red fire filled everything. And this red fire is hotter than any white or violet fire you can come across. Emynth's fire was surely better than mine. After all I only inherited her powers while she holds the original.

The child may not be able to defeat the father. . .

But there is no rule that says an imitation cannot defeat the original! One day, I may be able to surpass her powers. Maybe. . . someday.

All around me, everyone stared in awe at the fire that raged outside the barrier. Maybe some of them have never seen something so. . . powerful.

"Don't worry about the schools buildings and other property, she can control her own fire well," I told them. I didn't want them to think I would just casually destroy the entire school with no second thought.

"'She'. . . Who's. . . 'she?'" Akeno asked, her voice wavering.

I didn't bother answering, I merely chuckled in response. They would find out soon enough.

The only thing is, what about Vali?

He's a traitor, but he's a good actor, I'll give him that one. If it weren't for the Youkai and their spies, I wouldn't have guessed that Vali worked with the Khaos Brigade until he revealed himself. Taking him out would be a good thing, but I don't know exactly how strong he is.

If he can survive Emynth's fire. . . looks like I'll need to pay more attention to him in the future.

From inside the barrier, we could hear screams of agony from outside. The voices of those who wished with all their being to live. We heard them all, but we did nothing about it.

Their blood-curdling screams shook a few people within the barrier, but no one made a sound or moved a muscle.

They brought this upon themselves.

A few minutes passed. . .

Eventually, the fire stopped.

And with it, the pink hue covering everything disappeared. The frozen people were able to move again. Rias' peerage quickly filled them in.

The barrier around our little group disappeared, and everyone saw what remained of the Brigade.

And every single one of them gasped.

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