i held hands with him and he immediately put one of my fingers in his mouth.

which i didnt really mind.

he started getting really loud so i pushed another finger in to quiet him down.

until a spot on my pants got warm...

i closed my eyes thinking it was over but it wasnt. "woo p-please m-more!!' he talked with my hand still in his mouth and my face got red.

i thought he was dreaming about seonghwa.

ooh this just got hotter..

the hand that was currently in his mouth was slowly pulled out after san started wiggling again.

he unlinked our fingers and my hand fell on my chest.

his little fist was placed next to my neck. "p-please." my body heated up hearing how he begged.

but i wont touch him without consent. i saw him open his eyes and he was breathing heavily.

so i quickly closed mine and pretended to sleep.

he sat up and made a small whine.

he moved and put me in between his legs as he sat on my lower stomach.

he started sucking on my fingers and moving himself on my lower half.

"fuck hes asleep." he mumbled.

and it was gonna stay that way.

he pulled my fingers out of his mouth and laid on me with his head on my chest.

he used his finger to trace my lips which i thought was cute.

"i cant wait." he mumbled and pulled the covers off of us which made me feel cold.

but i will keep pretending until i actually fall asleep.

he sat for a moment before having a small conversation with himself.

"hes kinda hard though.. yeah but its weird to ride a sleeping person... what if he wakes up? then he can touch me too... isnt it weird to want to masturbate on top of him while hes sleeping? true... but he wont have to find out.."

i found the concept of that very hot but i had to contain my smile..

i heard him put his fingers into his mouth.

his ass lifted off of me and his face went into my shoulder.

i hope my mom doesnt walk back in... or anyone.

he popped his fingers out of his mouth and i felt him shift. wet sounds and muffled moans filled my room.

he was fingering himself.

"wooyoung please..." he mumbled into my shoulder as he moved his hand faster which started to move the bed.

i would be lying if i said i wasnt hard and i didnt want to join in..

i just wanted to know what exactly he was planning.

"mmf- y-youre so p-pretty." he started shaking.

"w-want to s-sit on your f-face woowoo...wan f-feel your t-tongue"

his stutter was the cutest.

as i stayed 'asleep' i shifted and rested my hand on his outer thigh.

his moans were louder and he started to shake harder.

until his hand slowed down and he started moving slower.

he fell on top of me as he tried to catch his breath. "s-so good woo-wooyoungie"


how was i supposed to fix my problem?

he nuzzled his face into my neck and i hummed softly.

which he didn't seem to notice.

(time skip)

i fell asleep.

i didnt feel san on top me anymore so i sat up and saw him laying next to me still asleep.

i looked out my outfit and laughed softly before changing quickly.

i walked downstairs to get breakfast.

"morning mom." i sleepily waved and saw sans father here too.

"do you know where san is perhaps?" his dad asked me and i pointed in the direction of my room.

why didnt my mom just tell him?

as i sat down and made my bowl of cereal i heard footsteps slowly coming down the stairs to see a sleepy san with one of my big shirts to cover him.

he made eye contact with me and i saw his face flush and he looked back down.

"goodmorning woowoo." he poured himself a glass of milk and his dad looked at me with a cocked head.

i shrugged and his dad gestured to the back of sans thighs.

so i looked and i started laughing quietly almost spitting out my milk.

when i got up to put my bowl in the sink i leaned next to sans ear and softly whispered. "you dont clean up well."

our parents couldnt see us so i bent down and wiped my hand on the back of his thigh making him blush softly.

i smiled and brought my hand back up to show him the cum on my hand and he just looked away.

i used my other hand to turn his head to look back at me as i slowly licked my hand and winked at him..

he let out a small whimper as i walked back upstairs.

messing with him was fun.

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