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After the hovercraft takes his body away a fanfare echoes around the arena.

"The winner of the 70th Hunger Games, Fliss Barker."

Suddenly the arena is filed with cheers from the capital citizens. The sun has come out and the arena looks a lot less sinister.

Another hovercraft appears and a ladder drops down. I step onto it and the ladder freezes me in place. As soon as I'm inside I am taken to a medical suite. They start work on my arm immediately and I'm hooked up to some blood to replace the amount I've lost. This is all I remember happening before a needle is stabbed into my arm and the world goes black.

When I wake up I am in a hospital. I think I am below the training centre but I can't really tell. I lift up my arm and I am surprised to see that it has all healed and has left no scar. I sit up and lift the blanket off me.

I am skinnier than I was when I went into the arena but who can really be surprised.

I get up and walk to the wall where a door appears. I step out into a grey corridor which contrasts with the white of the hospital. There is only one route I can follow, a white brightly lit corridor.I follow the corridor into a room where friendly faces wait for me.

I launch myself at Finnick and he draws me into a hug. I hold onto him for dear life. "Well done Fliss."

"You did very well." Says Mags with that familiar toothy grin.

"Come on, let's go and get you ready." Laurette smiles and gently pries me away from Finnick.

"See you later" He whispers in my ear.

I sit in a chair whilst my prep team makes me look pretty again. It is a pretty impossible task. I look tired and ragged and wild. I shouldn't be in a room like this. My hair is one giant knot and there is nothing left of my nails. After a chorus of well dones they start to complain about the state of my beauty. Somehow they get me looking human again.

Laurette puts me in a blue dress the colour of the water in the arena. It is so lovely but I hate it. It reminds me too much of that place. It finished just above my knee and has sleeves that comes down to my elbows.

I am taken to a holding pen of sorts under the main staging and get ready to face the capitol and the crowds. "Good luck Fliss, you'll be fine." Finnick smiles at me before he goes to get ready for his entrance.

Then it's just me. Shouldn't I have seen Ash by now? I think. But then the platform that I'm on starts to rise and I'm forced to face the crowds. 

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