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One glance at Ash is all I need. I sling my pack onto my back and dive into the water. Ash swims alongside me. If we don't make the right decision we could be wiped out by that wave.

"Where do we go?" I ask not able to keep the fear out of my voice.

"The cornucopia. That's where Crystal will go."

Well it's as good a guess as any. The wave is getting ever closer and it's starting to churn up the water. It feels like we're swimming in a storm. The wave is on our tales by the time we are in sight of the cornucopia.

There's nowhere to go. We face the high risk of being crushed against the horn itself due to the power of the wave. We are swimming past the tribute plates when I get an idea.

"Up here." I call out to Ash.

We climb up onto the plate. He gives me a questioning look.

"We will be crushed otherwise." I shout over the noise of the waves.

"Hold on to the plate and whatever you do, do not let go." He tells me firmly.

I lie flat on the plate and grip onto the edge. Ash lays above me, shielding my body with his, his hands next to mine. As the wave hits I hold on to the plate tighter than ever. It feels like I'm going to be swept away but somehow I don't move.

I can't breathe. It feels like it is never going to end. Then it stops

I come up gasping for air. Ash still beside me. I watch the wave hit the cornucopia with a deafening crash. The highest most point of the horn remains dry. I am just about to tell Ash when I notice another wave coming rapidly towards us. I point to the cornucopia and we sprint towards it.

"Climb." He shouts. As I do he treads water below me, watching my progress. The horn is slippery and more than a few times I feel like I am going to slip and be lost to the sea. Finally I reach the top to see Ash climbing up. I pull him over the top and we climb to the highest point.

The sky is growing dark with clouds and rain is starting to fall. For a moment I am afraid that I will freeze to death. The next wave hits and I flinch. Ash hold onto my arm tightly and I can feel him shaking.

The wave doesn't only bring another torrent of water but a very wet looking, enraged Crystal. There is a wild look in her eye but a certain fear I cannot over look. She begins to climb the horn letting out a squeak at something in the water below her.

I scan the waves before I too let out a cry. In the water is a dark shadowy figure that looks very much like a shark. But it's much too large to be any species that I know. And I certainly know no shark would deliberately bang themselves into the cornucopia, in an effort to knock the climbing figure into the sea.

"Mutt." I spit out the word like it is venom.

"Crystal." Ash spits out the word in a similar way.

She has made it to the top of the horn and is recovering quickly. I stand, Ash at my back, weapons drawn. Finally she stands.

"Well well well, here we are again." Crystal says in a light hearted way. "I always hoped it would come down to me and you. I want my revenge."

"Round two."

"Certainly, but this time I will be the victor."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I will be victor, Fliss and you can't stop me."

"Come on Crystal, there's two of us, you don't stand a chance." Ash says with a cold tone to his voice.

"Well, that just makes it more fun doesn't it?" She says with a twisted smile.

She starts towards us, her sword is slung casually over her shoulder but her stance is otherwise. No one makes a move. Not a sound hits the arena, just the dull thud against the cornucopia from where the Mutt hits.

It all happens so quickly that I fail to act. Maybe I've been lulled into a false sense of security by the calm but I don't move one inch.

Quick as a flash Ash steps forward to meet Crystal as another wave splashes up around us. Her leg sweeps round knocking Ash to the ground. The wet surface of the cornucopia makes it impossible for him to get a good hold.

As he slips I finally move. I lunge out to him and manage somehow to grab his hand and hold on tight. Crystal lets out a menacing laugh.

"Trying to save your boyfriend Four?" I glare at her and she laughs again. She approaches with her sword raised. If I go down so does Ash. But I can't let go. The Mutt swims greedily in the water below, waiting for fresh meat. Who am I to let it down?

My hands is starting to go numb from the cold and the wet and I fear I am about to let go. From my position laying on the cornucopia I cannot attack Crystal. If only my hands were free. Shifting my hold on Ash so one hand is free, I manage to grab a spoke. With great difficulty I manage to launch the spoke into the water. The Mutt sensing the movement swims over to investigate.

I look down at Ash. His eyes are wide, fearful, but at the same time relieved.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I let go of his hand.

He falls into the water below. 

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