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"Oh Fliss, my poor Fliss, you shouldn't be going into the Hunger Games. It's just not fair." I glared up at my aunt.

"I don't see why you care. One less disgraceful member of you family."

"I do care, I care so much about you." Now I was getting angry.

"If you cared you wouldn't have abandoned us when we needed you the most."

"I didn't want to, but I couldn't be seen associating with you, they may have thought I shared your father's views which I certainly didn't."

"That doesn't mean you have to leave! We needed you and you weren't there."

"I'm here now Fliss."

"To dam late."

"Come on don't shut me out."

"Don't shut me out? Don't shut me out! Don't you want to know how it feels like to be rejected by your only family? Don't you want to know how it feels to be all on your own with no one to turn too? Don't you want to know what it's like to try and feed you and your brother?"

"Don't be like this I'm trying to make amends."

"It's too late, in case you haven't noticed I'm about to go and die."

"That why I came. I didn't want... I... I had to make things up with you... In case anything happened to you. I regret what I did so much."

"Good, but I don't want your pity. I've fended well enough on my own for the past few years."

"You don't want to make up, you don't want me back in your life, do you?" I said nothing knowing full well it was true. "DO YOU!" She shouted.

"No Petunia, I don't. I still can't get over the fact that you abandoned me. I had Kris to look after on my own and you didn't help. You distanced yourself from us and I'm not going to let you back in that easily. If you want to make it up to anyone make it up to Kris. If I don't make it home he's going to need FAMILY more than ever. If you would be so kind could you leave me alone?" I said pointing at the door.

"I just wanted you to know I'm sorry Fliss and that I love you."

As she left I wondered if I'd been too hard on her. Maybe I should have forgiven her. I couldn't dwell on it too long as I was soon being escorted to the train station. I'm so glad my aunt was my last visitor as my face had turned itself into a frown. I wanted to say that I looked tough but after my breakdown on the reaping stage I don't think people will take me seriously. I stepped on the train and watched our district fade away. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now