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I was soon called for dinner. I walked into the dining cart. It was quite spectacular. Red carpets, a long wooden table went along the whole carriage. A chandelier hung above. If I wasn't going off to face my death I may have enjoyed it a bit more. I sat down on a chair and Ash soon joined me. I couldn't look him in the eye. I needed to thank him but I couldn't do it. I would never stop owing him. He saved my brother.

It was so awkward. I couldn't think of anything to say. We ended up just sitting there in silence. Valoria walked in with our mentors and I was pleased it broke the tension between Ash and I. "Darlings, meet your mentors!" I looked past Valoria to see who would mentoring us. There they stood by the door Finnick Odiar and Mags. I think we have some of the best mentors. Mags have been in is game for so long she will know some of the tricks to staying alive. She looked up at me and gave me a toothy grin. Finnick, well he won the game when he was only fourteen, only five years ago. Even so he is a living legend. It's hard to think he is only three years older than me at 19. He seems to have been around forever.

They sat down and dinner was served. It was a white meat with some vegetables, beans I think. I picked up my knife and fork and gingerly cut the meat. It was nothing like I'd ever tasted before, it was amazing! Even through selling things on the black market I can normally only afford scraps from the butcher and on rare occasion's bacon. "This is amazing!"

"Fliss, it's called pork." Ash laughed,

"Alright show off. Just because you're rich."

"Hey! No I'm not." I gave him a pointed look and laughed. The others watched our exchange in silence.

"So let me get this straight, you've never had pork before?" Finnick asked.

"That is correct."

"What have you been eating then, I thought District 4 was a rich district." Valoria said snootily.

"I eat, well lots of fish obviously. Occasionally some beef." I said the last part quietly. I now felt quite embarrassed at my outburst over a piece of meat, but it is amazing.

"Never had pork, I can't believe it!" Valoria said in her silly high pitched voice. Mags kept quiet and looked worried.

Finnick wouldn't stop staring at me. He looked almost puzzled really. He can't be checking me out, can he? He was kind of hot but I don't think he'd be my type, always sleeping around. He had piercing green eyes, very distinctive. Bronze hair pushed off his face.

"Fliss." He said suddenly.

"Excuse me?"

"I know who you are now. I knew I recognised you at the reaping."

"Yep, that's me, the one everyone feels sorry for." I said with a glare. He looked down, embarrassed.

"Are you going to tell us what's going on?" Valoria said softly. I wasn't sure if I could. I didn't want to go through my whole life story again. I took a deep breath. Tears pricked the back of my eyes. Normally I'm fairly strong about this but... what with everything that's happened today I'm not. Today more than ever all my feelings I've numbed over the years has all come flooding out.

"Everyone knows my family... Everyone. Not for any good reasons either. It's because... my mother..." My tears ran down my face, slowly making their way to the ground. I took a deep breath and tried to speak again but it got stuck in my throat. I took another deep breath but, in all honesty, I think it made it worse. I started to sob. I couldn't get the image of my mother's last moments out of my head. In the sea, red hair like a carpet around her, smiling. Waving at us to come in. Then something happened. She disappeared under the water and came up struggling. This happened again and again. Dad swam out to her. He was pushed away to let someone to try to revive her. They couldn't. I remember the last hug she gave me.

"Her mother and father died." I looked up to see Ash giving me a small smile as he carried on. "She's been looking after her brother since then. That's why she was so upset when Kris got picked."

"I couldn't lose him." I managed to choke out. Ash gave my hand a squeeze. Mags gave me a concerned look.

After dinner I went to find Ash. This was stupid I had to thank him. He was in the end carriage of the train. This was the one that has panoramic views of the scenery. He was gazing out of the window. Dare I say it he looked cute. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts, we were just friends.

"I wanted to say thank you."

"That's ok. I know how hard it is for you to talk about your past."

"Not just that," he looks at me blankly. "Thank you for taking Kris' place at the reaping."

"I couldn't let that happen. You looked so pained and I didn't think you should have to go through the possibility of losing him too."

"Well thank you, your parents didn't seem happy. I somehow think you believe you won't come home."

"Well if it means it will get you home that's good enough for me"

"You don't have to. I don't mind, after all you've done for me you should at least be able to get home."

"No, don't talk about it. You're going home and that's final."



"I want you to go home."

"What would Kris say? What would his reaction be when his sister didn't come home. I will get you to the end and then you can kill me. I want you to go home."

"As much as you want this, I can let that happen. I will never be able to stop owing you. It's the least I can do."

"What are you talking about?"

"I will never stop owing you for sparing Kris' life, ok."

"Oh Fliss. I don't care."

"But I do. I feel so bad."

"Please don't. I did it for you."

"But why?"

"Because.... Because I lo.... Because you're my friend. Now come here." He opened his arm and I walked into them. His big strong arms wrapped around me and for the first time I felt like my worries had slipped away. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now