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I was surrounded by three very excited capitol citizens that made up my prep team. My legs were red raw from having all the hair ripped out. Apparently, hairy legs is highly unattractive. My eyebrows had also been plucked. I had been totally dehairified. Eta was the woman who was put in charge of sorting out my hair had a tattoo all over her face shaped like a butterfly and had gold tattoos all up her arm. She had what I thought was natural looking hair and was fairly tall. "That's the last of it." She said pulling off the last wax strip. Layla a woman who looked about 20 was in charge of my hair. She had light blue skin wore pale pink clothes which complemented her skin perfectly. From what I can see she is putting my hair into a complicated braid. My nails have been painted a pale green by a man called Tye. His hair is all spiked up and has amazing eyeliner. He has also sorted out my makeup. I swear I have been in the re-make centre for hours. Finnick was right, it would take me a long time to look pretty.

"Ok off with that robe." Tye says. I take off my thin robe that I've been allowed to wear. I stand there naked while they circle me making finishing touches to my new look. I felt awkward at first but modesty isn't normally a problem here. "You're ready to meet your stylist!" Layla said excitedly. "We'll go get her." They ran out of the room like three exited puppies.

I sat back on the chair and waited for my stylist. I wondered who I could get. The stylists were the only constants in a game like this. She walked into the room and I have to admit she was not what I was expecting. She looked very normal. She had blue high heels on and a plain, by capitol terms, orange dress. She had aqua blue hair which fell down her back in ringlets and had brown eyes. She had a kind smile. There was nothing really extreme about her style. One thing was for sure, I had never seen her before. "Hello Fliss, I'm Laurette, you stylist." She gestured for me to follow her into the other room. This had plush sofas in and an amazing view of the capitol. I sat down on one sofa, immediately staring to relax. Laurette pressed a button on the side of the coffee table and two meals appeared. It was a steak with fried vegetables accompanying it. Plain but delicious.

"So Fliss, I'm your stylist."

"Are you new?"

"Yes, it's my first year in the games. I hope to bring something new to it."

"They gave you District 4 straight away. You must be good."
"Thank you. Luckily for me they had an opening and they needed someone to fill it."


"So tonight I'm hoping to go a little bit different with your costume."

"I'm afraid there's not much you can do with the fishing district."

"My and Daveena the other stylist are going along the fishing net theme."
"That's been done so many times." I say not convinced.

"Thank you for your confidence," I laughed, "But I'm trying my best here."

"Sorry" I said with a smile. I really liked Laurette. She seemed very down to earth for a Capital citizen. She seemed like someone I could talk too.

"Come on, let's go get you ready." She came back into the room with a zipped up dress bag. "Close your eyes." She slipped the costume over my head and I felt the weight immediately on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and gasped. It was an ocean coloured dress with a net wrapped around it, starting at my right shoulder and wrapping slowly around until the base of the dress. The green dress really complemented my hair and had flecks of silver in like fish scales. The braid in my hair matched the net style of the dress. When she said twist she was right. I had minimal makeup, I'm assuming so people recognise me in the arena. When I looked in the mirror, it was like someone else was staring back at me. I looked beautiful.

"Wow." I finally breathed out. "Thank you Laurette."
"No problem."

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now