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I woke up with a scream on my lips. I sat up and hugged my knees. It felt so real. It was my worst fear. I knew it wouldn't come true. It was impossible for him to be in the games now. I shock the thought from my head.

"Fliss are you ok?" Ash asked with concern coming into my room.

"Just a bad dream," I said without looking up, "Please don't tell the others."

"I won't, don't worry. Come on we've got to watch the reaping." I sighed and wiped my tears from my face. I pulled on a silk robe and wrapped it around me. We walked back into the sofa room and sat down facing the TV mounted on the wall. I watched with a blank expression on my face. There was only a few tributes I could remember. A girl with bright blond hair and blue eyes from District 1. Another girl, this time from district two, who volunteered and looked very excited to be going into the games. A boy from District 7, who looked fierce of a big build and with big muscles. Finally a young girl from District 11 who looked about 12. When they passed our district I looked desperate. I turned away from the screen not wanting to relive that horrible moment. The commentators commented on how emotionally unstable I was, before they got all exited over Ash volunteering. As to be expected I probably won't be taken seriously in the games. I sighed.

"Looking at your competitors, you'll be fine Fliss. You also have the upper hand, don't worry." Finnick said.

"Thank you Finnick, I'm just going to pretend that I feel better now." He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"There's nothing I can say to make you feel better?"

"Not really."

"You make me really sad Fliss."

"Eh oh well, you'll get over it. You're Finnick Odiar for crying out loud." I laughed

"I am pretty amazing." Finnick joked.

"You two are weird." Ash muttered.

The train went into darkness as we hit the tunnel through the mountains that got to the capitol. I ran to the window to see what I've only seen on my battered TV. It is spectacular. The pictures really don't capture the real beauty. Multi- coloured building with shiny roofs. The sun making everything stand out in bright technicolour. The Capitol citizens were another sceptical, with their bright coloured hair and strange clothes. Seeing a tribute train they turned round to gawk at us, and Ash and I both stepped away from the window. They will see enough of me later anyway. It's bad enough that we are being sent to our deaths but they don't need to gawk at us now. The train pulled into the station. "No matter what your stylists want to do to you, don't argue. They are here to make you look attractive to the audience. That's going to take a lot of work for you Fliss." He joked. I elbowed him in the ribs. I got off the train now totally at the mercy of my stylist.    

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now