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"So Ash, as we know you volunteered to take Kris Barker's place in the games. What made you decide to do it?"

"Everyone was in shock at the Barker's misfortune, life hasn't been kind to them. I was also very shocked. I was only snapped back to reality when I saw how upset and distraught Fliss was. She is my best friend and I couldn't stand to see her in so much pain. She didn't deserve to go through that. So I thought what can I do to stop the pain?

That's when it came to me. The words escaped my lips but I wasn't afraid, I knew I'd done the right thing."

"What about that training score Ash?"

"I'm very pleased, who wouldn't be."

"Can you give us a clue to what you did in training?"

"Oh but that would be telling wouldn't it Ceaser." That got a laugh.

"What do you think of the Capitol then?"

"The food is pretty good." He chuckles which gets another laugh.

"What do you think about your odds of winning? After all the arena will have some aspects of district 4 in."

"I think I stand a pretty good chance but I hope I don't win."

Now Ceaser is puzzled, "Why's that?"

"Because it would mean I have failed."

"What do you mean?"

"It means Fliss would be dead and I intend to get her home to her brother."

His buzzer goes and his time is up. He takes his seat. The rest of the interviews fly by and before I know it the anthem blares out over the speakers. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now