Klaroline ↬ How The Mighty Have Fallen

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I've posted an extended version named 'How the Mikaelsons fell'. It's got the Mikaelsons discussing Caroline and Klaus reuniting with Hope.


New Orleans was exactly what Caroline pictured it to be. Soft jazz filled the streets along with gentle laughter; it wasn't hard to see why Klaus loved the city so much. Red brick buildings that had more history than she could imagine, people unaware of the supernatural littering the streets and the supernatural themselves, content to let the world know of their abnormalities.

The blonde vampire was sitting out a cafe, basking in the moonlight and watching the world go by with a glass of lemonade sitting on the table in front of her. The night life of the city was truly something to marvel at, it seemed to give New York a run for its money in terms of activity after dark, but the evening was still young. Caroline was content to spend the night wandering the streets, gather her bearings in the beautiful city - that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact she hoped if she walking long enough she'd bump into a member of the Mikaelson family.

Her plans were interrupted by the shrill sound of her phone ringing. The insistent sound had Caroline fighting the urge to toss her phone into a brick wall. Retrieving the device from her purse, she expected to see Elena, Bonnie or perhaps one of the Salvatore's name to pop up on her screen; begging her to return to the dull town of Mystic Falls.

Caroline paused when she saw the words Blocked ID flash up on her phone. Anyone she planned on talking to already had her number so she pressed ignore and began to gather her belongings and move along. As the blonde rose from her chair, her phone rang again. Blocked ID. Whoever it was clearly was stubborn.

In pure annoyance, Caroline answered her phone, letting the person on the other end know just how irritated she was with her tone. "Hello?"

"Caroline! Oh, thank god!"

Caroline froze at the voice, one she recognised all to well and honestly hoped to never see again.

"Hayley? How the hell did you get my number?"

"Klaus. Listen I know you don't like me and you have no reason to, but I really need your help."

"And why should I?" Caroline huffed. Here was the woman who stole her boyfriend, snapped her neck and had a child with the man she was just beginning to like, asking for help.

"Because Klaus needs you." Caroline's blood ran cold and her heart dropped to her shoes. Despite how hard she tried to hide it in Mystic Falls, she did care for him.

"Where is he?" Her voice began to shake slightly, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"Do you know where the compound is?"

Caroline slipped through the gates of the Mikaelson compound, going unnoticed by the rowdy hanging just outside. The interior of the building was mangled beyond repair, paintings and curtains shredded on the floor, the iron railings of the balcony above were dented in some places and broken in others. But that's not what caught Caroline's attention, her gaze was focused on the body lying unmoving on the floor, faint whimpers falling from his lips.


Caroline rushed forward to his side. Hayley had told her that his chances of being conscious were slim to none. The Hybrids eyes flickered to her own and pain and worry filled his expression.

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