Multi ↬ Scary Spider

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Before we get started:
Bruce and Thor are still m.i.a. Pietro is alive and Bucky is included- an AU of sorts.

It had taken a lot of convincing on Tonys behalf to take a break from avenging. Several excuses had been made and by the time the team was willing to agree, another threat arose. The cycle seemed endless and they were all beginning to give up hope that it would ever happen.

Months after the idea was first brought up the team could finally catch a break so they all piled onto Tony's private plane to jet off to some exotic location. Everyone except Tony dived onto the sofas lining the walls, snatching blankets and pillows as they went. The billionaire himself was sifting through the piles of alcohol stored away.

Bucky and Sam had begun arguing over seats almost immediately. Both wanted to talk to Steve but couldn't stand to be near one-another. It was a miracle no one had strangled them. Clint, Pietro and Vision removed themselves to another section of the plane claiming headaches and 'didn't want to be near their petty arguments'. Wanda and Natasha had immediately claimed one of the sofas, glaring at anyone who even dared try to sit with them.

An hour into the trip most of the group had fallen asleep. That was until Tony came charging through the walkway of the plane, an enraged Clint not far behind. He began shouting and screaming about something Tony had done and when everyone looked up it was apparent what it was, sharpie was scribbled all over the archers face and pens tangled into his hair- lord knows how.

Bucky and Steve simply rolled their eyes at the grown men's antics before turning over on the sofa they were currently sharing and attempted to go back to sleep. Although every time Clint raised his voice ever so slightly Bucky would tense up, ready to pummel the archer for disturbing his sleep, but Steve would say something that only Bucky could hear and the soldier would calm down.

Sam was laughing very clearly at the situation, phone at the ready to record the mess on Clint's face. Nat seemed to share Bucky's anger at the rising noise level; not long beforehand Wanda had fallen asleep on the assassins shoulder, however, the racket was causing her to be restless.

The spy carefully placed the witches head on a pillow before storming over to the fighting duo. Sam has seen the angry woman marching towards them, his face fell and the laughing stopped. He scrambled to put away his phone and move to a seat further away from Nat.

Tony and Clint paused at the mans troubled expression, they had yet to see Natasha approaching them. They remained confused until a cold hand curled around their shoulders.

Without saying a word Natasha dragged the men to a separate part of the plane. The others attempted to listen to what she may be saying but they couldn't hear a peep.

Ten minutes later a much calmer Nat emerged from the back of the plane. Nat happily sat down next to her now awake girlfriend who seemed confused to the situation.

Rest assured, Tony and Clint didn't say a word for the rest of the journey.

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