Klaroline ↬ The Difference a Year Can Make

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I feel the need to clarify, I stopped writing about every five minutes just to laugh at how ridiculous this one sounded so...

The sun was long set behind the horizon by the time Klaus and Caroline moved away from the tree. Caroline gathered what was salvageable of her clothes. Not much. Klaus watched as she huffed and pulled on her torn top.

"Did you really have to rip this." She said, gesturing to large rip down the front of her clothes. Klaus chuckled at her grumbles and pulled his black Henley back over his head and offered it to Caroline. The young vampire only stared at him in shock for a few moments, trying so hard not to look down at his bare torso. Despite the... activities her and Klaus had just indulged in, she found it hardly like him to offer his shirt to her.

"Keep it as a memory of me." The classic 'Klaus' smirk found its way onto his face. Caroline tentatively took the shirt from his outstretched hand and replace her own ripped top with it. She hastily pulled her thin jacket over it, hiding her flaming blush with her hair. She couldn't help but note that the shirt smelt exactly like Klaus.

Klaus' face became solemn, the joking tone in his voice completely gone. "I meant what I said Caroline. If it is what you want, I won't come back."

Caroline didn't trust her voice; it would spout out just how much she wanted him to stay. So she nodded, trying to hide just how much she regretted letting him go. Klaus deflated slightly, giving away his hope for her change of heart.

No words were exchanged as the mighty hybrid turned and walked away from the baby vampire capable of forcing even the most cruel of demons to become merciful; Klaus was the perfect example.

The baby vamp couldn't stand to let him go like this, with no closure. She muttered curses under her breath at what she was about to do but she didn't care enough to stop herself.

Klaus turned around in confusion at her approaching footsteps. He saw Caroline, hesitating as if she was finding the words to say. She was holding herself back, leaving an awkward silence fall over the pair.

Caroline threw all of her pause out of the window and practically jumped into the hybrids arms. She pulled him into a passionate kiss and gripped to him as if he was her lifeline.

Caroline pulled away and kept her eyes closed, Klaus' forehead leaning against her own.

"One year."

Klaus pulled back to look at her, he couldn't quite decipher what she was implying.

"If you still feel the same about me in one year, meet me here." Klaus grinned.

"I'll be seeing you next year then, love." Caroline smiled at the endearing term he always used and kissed him again.

The moment the kiss was broken Klaus left, displacing the calm air around him. Caroline watched the empty space were he had just been and she became strangely giddy at the thought of the next year.


Klaus kept his promise. For one full year he remained away from Mystic Falls and its inhabitants. Life for the 'scooby gang' continued on as normal as it could for them. New enemies came to town and in true hero fashion each and every one was killed by the supernatural super group.

Caroline counted each and every day that went by, each one bringing her closer to the day she would hopefully see Klaus again. As the months drew by, she slowly distanced herself from her group of friends - if that word even applied to them anymore - not entirely, but enough that should she mysteriously disappear, it would take awhile for them to catch on.

When it came to the week before, she became very jumpy. All of the Mystic Falls 'gang' could clearly see something was happening to her, but whenever they brought it up she always scoffed and told them they were being ridiculous.

It came to the day that Caroline would hopefully see Klaus again. She was hours early to the spot where they had agreed to meet, yet she found daydreaming was the perfect way to spend time.

Due to her head in the clouds, she almost missed the distinct British accent call out behind her.

"I see I'm not the only one whose early."

Honestly I got bored of writing this, so perhaps there will be a part two in the future but I doubt it.

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