WandaNat ↬ Help

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This could honestly be a relationship, sisterly, mother/daughter or friendship one-shot it honestly makes no difference


When Wanda first joined the Avengers she was alone. Her brother was dead as was ninety percent of her country's population. Her parents had long passed and her entire extended family was either dead or MIA. Not one member of the Avengers trusted her and to their defense she understood why. She brought forward their most haunted memories and fears, that was sure to cause a grudge.

However, she still lived with them, she still ate with them and she still trained with them. Despite being surrounded by the entire team, she felt utterly alone. They would only talk to her when absolutely necessary. Except Natasha.

It took time but Natasha was the first to trust Wanda and eventually see her as a close friend. She understood the young girls pain; H.Y.D.R.A's manipulation of her hatred and Ultron's willingness to take advantage of her powers.

From that moment on, Natasha and Wanda helped each other with everything.

When it was revealed that Wanda had yet to decorate her room, Natasha bought cans of paint and pulled Wanda into her room one afternoon to paint the crumbling walls. The two spent the rest of the day painting, giggling when the other got paint on their faces and eventually abandoning the walls in favour of a paint fight. Upon hearing the giggles that escalated into cackling laughter, Steve moved towards Wanda's room in curiosity. Opening the door he was faced with Wanda and Natasha, covered head to toe in various coloured paints. The pair froze like deer caught in headlights before bursting into laughter once again at Steve's stunned expression.

On another occasion, Wanda admitted rather sheepishly that she'd never tried pizza. Growing up in a war ridden, third world country didn't really offer much in terms of fast food restaurants. Natasha gasped in playful horror before taking the younger woman by the hand and dragging her out of the tower. It was long dark out before the girls came home. Many of the team had repeatedly asked J.A.R.V.I.S of their whereabouts in a state of worry. So when the two superheroes stepped off the elevator, giggling under their breath about something one of them had said, they were confronted with a flurry of worried remarks and angry questions. After that day Natasha made it her mission for Wanda to try every fast food chain they could think of, they even kept a mental ranking of best to worst. Safe to say that if both of them were not in the tower, they were most likely in the nearest McDonalds or KFC.

But it wasn't always happy and playful things.

Natasha had come back early from missions with injuries that would leave her bedridden for weeks. Wanda would wait on her hand and foot, anything Nat needed and Wanda already had it sitting on her bedside table.

Natasha helped Wanda overcome some of her insecurities, like the jagged wire like lines that curled around her hands from her powers.

Wanda helped Natasha overcome her hatred of her battlescar ridden body, constantly telling her 'They represent that someone tried to kill you, but you survived. Each and every time, you survived.'

After the split of the Avengers and they went on the run, the group were forced to split up. Wanda and Natasha fled America together, hiding from all those that considered them war criminals - which they were but that's besides the point. They spent a great deal of time in Russia, blending in easily since they both knew the language.

Then there was the war against Thanos. Wanda saved Natasha and Okoye from the turbines that were sure to tear them apart. Natasha and Okoye then saving Wanda from Proxima Midnight; they fought together and when Thanos came to retrieve the stone from Visions head, Natasha made sure he would have to get through her before he got to Wanda.

Natasha watched heartbroken as Wanda faded into the air around her. Dead. She was dead. The next five years of her life were the most dull that Natasha had ever known. The other Avengers moved on with their lives, out of the compound and drifted off their separate ways whilst Natasha stayed behind. Alone in the empty compound with no one to keep her company. It was incredibly lonely.

There were times when she would wander the empty halls, trailing past the bedroom doors belonging to her fallen friends. Her brain would often convince itself that she could hear Sam's sarcastic remarks or his and Bucky's petty arguments. She could almost picture Bucky, sitting hunched over the kitchen table, scribbling down words in one of the many journals he had and often sitting up bolt upright and scrambling to find Steve when he remembered a memory originally thought to be long gone.

And Wanda, she would hear the laughter falling out of the witches room, often mixed with her own in the happy memories they once shared, now it was only Nat that was able to remember them. She'd want to open the door and see Wanda sitting there, failing to play a tune on her guitar or reading one of the many books scattered all over the place, but the room would be empty, collecting dust and cobwebs. And every time Natasha's heart would sink.

There was a sense of hope when Scott came to the compound. It was possible to get them all back, all her friends could come back.

They did come back, but she wasn't alive to greet them.

That was when Wanda thought she should be happiest, her friends and herself are alive and so is the rest of the universe, they could all live in peace. But Nat wasn't there, and she wouldn't be ever again. Wanda could never help her again. So she helped in a way she could.

She helped run the orphanages that Natasha had started, and the held the meetings Natasha had created to help survivors of abuse in all forms. She did all she could to help keep the memory of Natasha Romanoff alive.

But it wasn't enough.

Wanda helped Steve put the stones back in their rightful timelines, she helped and took the soul stone back to the Red Skull. She helped and made a trade.

When she came back to the present once again it wasn't just her and Steve standing on the podium. It was Natasha too.


Watch me in mad denial about Steve's ending in Endgame. STEVE SHOULD HAVE COME BACK TO BUCKY!


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