Newtmas ↬ Night In The Maze

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The gap between the stone walls grew smaller and smaller. They aren't going to make it. Minho was dragging Alby across the dusty, stone floor; both were covered in sweat and grime. They were meant to be back ages ago, yet something clearly stopped them. They aren't going to make it.

Newt had never seen such desperation on the boys' face. Any of them. Should they not get through in time then they were guaranteed to be dead, leaving him in charge. And despite him not wanting to be the leader, he knew he would have to be because they weren't going to make it.

He saw the shift next to him, a small twitch. Thomas had stopped shouting, stopped moving bar that little twitch in his hand that told Newt he was going to do something incredibly stupid.

Minho and Alby were beginning to slip out of sight. The distance between them and their exit was too great, as was the distance for anyone to run in and out to help them. They weren't going to make it.

Thomas twitched again. Newt turned just in time to see his reaction before the boy sprung into action. It was the expression on would wear whilst contemplating his last choices and that's when it occurred to Newt, he was going to do it.

Thomas jumped forward in between the rapidly closing doors of the Maze, there was no doubt he'd make it through without being crushed but coming back out.... he wouldn't make it.

Newt lunged for his hand, their fingertips touching briefly. Too briefly. The greenie was already running and he wasn't coming back. He would be stuck in the Maze for the night and they all knew no one survives a night in the Maze.

The doors closed with a thunderous boom and silence swiftly followed. Three gladers had just had their death certificate signed, and one signed it himself. There was a moment of contemplation within the group. Not a single person could decide whether Thomas's actions were brave or suicidal, or both.

Gally was the first to leave. He strode off without a word with several boys trickling after him. Newt was the last to leave the tall stone doors. He really thought Thomas may just make it, may just survive more than a week in the Glade. Apparently not and now the grievers had a three course meal to enjoy just inside those massive stone walls.


Chuck was the one to drag Newt to the doors the next morning. The poor boy had convinced himself that somehow it was possible, somehow Thomas, Minho and Alby would make it. His enthusiasm let a small glimmer of hope seep into Newt's blood. Maybe they would make it.

They hope was shot to the floor and left for dead when the doors creaked open, and the three Gladers weren't on the other side. He should've never got his hopes up, of course they wouldn't survive.

"I told you, they're not coming back." Newt's tone wasn't harsh but rather filled with sadness. His two closest friends had died in that maze and a Greenie he had come to care for more than he ever had for any newbie before him went with them.

Newt turned his back on the doors, intent on going to the deadheads and remaining there till noon. He could hear Chuck's gasp behind him but he continued forward anyway. It wasn't until the young boy whispered something along the lines of 'No way,' did he stop and look back.

Shuffling along the corridor leading to the doors was a sight Newt never expected to see. Minho and Thomas dragging along Alby. When the trio reached the doors they collapsed onto the grass, coughing up dust and heaving for breath.

Newt was the first one to approach Thomas in any way. He pulled the greenie into his arms and crushed him in a hug. If Thomas was shocked at the older boys actions, he didn't show it; actually he welcomed it.

"Why the hell did you do that, shuck-face?"

Thomas chuckled into Newt's neck, the sound muffled.

"Why? Did I scare you?" He whispered, not moving to make sure the boy heard him, but he did.

"Yes, you bloody did."

The peaceful moment was interrupted by Chuck shouting and hollering at the boys survival. No one could blame the poor boy, but at that moment, Newt and Thomas wished he would shut the hell up. But as Chuck saw the position the boys were in, he awkwardly stopped mid-shout. "Am I interrupting something?"

Minho chuckled from his place on the dusty ground, "Would you like us to give you to some space?"

"Yes actually, I bloody well would."

All the boys surrounding them cracked up laughing at Newt's statement. The taller boy broke away from the embrace and instead gripped onto Thomas' hand, draggin him to the Deadheads and out of sight from the prying eyes of the Gladers. The action was met with several 'Ooo's from the boys and more shouts and hollers.

"Oh, shut up." Thomas yelled back to them as the two picked up the pace, vanishing into the trees not long after to carry on with their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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