Thiam ↬ Him

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Liam wasn't paying attention to Hayden's droning. If anything he was blocking her out, the girl was giving him a headache.

The pair were currently standing in the crowded hallway of Beacon Hills high school. Hayden didn't seem to care about the listening ears as she was half shouting at her boyfriend - Liam used the term extremely loosely - just to try and get his attention.

As Liam sifted through his locker, he noticed Mason standing a few lockers away. His friend was giving him a sympathetic look, clearly he heard Hayden's incessant bitching. The five minute bell rang and the students littering the hallway began to disperse to their respective classes. But Hayden still continued talking, she didn't even stop for breath.

Liam slammed his locker shut and attempted to move away from her; he had biology next and if he was late the teacher wouldn't wait to hear excuses, she would give him detention right on the spot.

Hayden was too busy ranting, she didn't notice Liam moving away from her but once she did she moved to block his path.

"Oh please Hayden, I've got Mrs Brinly next and she'll kill me if I'm late." Liam said, on the verge of whining like a child. He was getting increasingly bothered with Hayden's continuous ranting, he was running out of his internal excuses to stay with her.

The young werewolf deliberated his options; it was becoming too much to headache to listen to Hayden's rants everyday. On the other hand he really did need to get to class.

"Ah, screw it." He muttered under his breath and dragged the still complaining Hayden to the nearest empty classroom, which happened to be a science lab. "Okay, let it out. Why are you upset now?"

"Because you're always with him! You never make time for me anymore and I just..." Her words became a mesh of syllables that Liam didn't care to decipher.

There was only one 'him' in question, Theo. It was true the chimera and werewolf had been hanging out more that considered usual the past few weeks but it was impossible not to.

"Hayden, we live together! Would you rather I kicked him out to his car?" Liam had been the first to notice Theo's living situation, or rather lack thereof. His house didn't have a spare room but the beta had a pullout sofa in his room and that was the next best thing, so he offered it to Theo. After spending months in his car, being woken in the middle of the night by officers, moving his car every few hours and sleeping on the cold backseat, he was more than happy to him up on his offer.

From that point on, Liam had made it his mission to help Theo whenever he could; enrolling him in school - even though he would be put into Scott's grade - and smoothing things over with Scott. Theo was slowly being accepted as a normal - or as normal as he could be - boy in school instead of the psycho killer he was first portrayed as.

"Yeah, I mean surely it's not that bad."

The thought of tossing Theo out of his house made Liam feel ill. There was no denying that the boys were close but, at least on Liam's side, feelings were beginning to stem.

"Hayden! I'm not going to kick him out of my house! In case you haven't noticed, that's not how you treat your friends!" Liam's voice cracked ever so slightly on the word 'friends' and he internally screamed.

Hayden's eyes narrowed and for the first time since she'd seen him that morning, she stopped talking. Instead she analysed Liam under her scorning gaze and made the boy want to fall into another hole.

"You like him don't you?"

A suffocating silence fell over the pair and Liam tried to look anywhere other than his girlfriend who looked like she was about to combust.

He guessed after this she wouldn't be his girlfriend anymore.

"Liam! You like him?" She pressed when the boy refused to answer, "Of course, you've got feelings for the person who tried to kill us all!"

Liam attempted to interrupt the girl but she was too far into her rampage. Repeatedly his attempts of calming her down were cut of in a flurry of anger and jealousy. Despite the rising anger the young werewolf felt, he tried his best not to wolf out on Hayden.

"Him! I can't believe you chose him! Why of all people did you have to like him!"

"You're answering your own question." Liam didn't even try to hide his annoyance.

"But I'm the one you're meant to love, I listen to you."

The look that Liam sent Hayden was one of pure amusement. She then proceeded to cut him off again.

The sound of an opening door went unnoticed by the arguing couple.

"I'm done Hayden, I like him a hell of a lot more than I'll ever like you."

That was when he noticed the extra heartbeat in the room and the distinct sent he'd come to recognise all over his house. Turning around he was greeted by Theo, grinning like a little child.

"Uh, Mrs Brinly sent me to find you."

Hayden, who seemed to be on the verge of attacking the chimera, stomped out of the room and slammed the door on her way out.

"So, how much of that did you hear."

"Enough." Theo said still grinning.


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