Three Months

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Ceylan Pov

It's been three months and Guren still hasn't woken up at all. He is still in the hospital in that stupid coma, I wish he will just wake up.

It was lunch time "Man I hope he wakes up soon..." Toxsa says as me and Chooki looked down like Toxsa "Yeah we all hope he does." I answered him.

Chooki nodded "We have to have faith, plus this is Guren we are talking about. I'm sure he will wake up soon..." Chooki tells us. He always tells us that but we know he is trying to ease all this.

Guren please wake up soon, everyone is worried about you...even Beag and the Corekai. So hurry up and wake up already.

No One Pov

At the hospital the doctors were checking on their patients and doing paperwork. In a certain patients room who is in a coma, well their fingers moved a little.

A nurse came to change the blanket as she saw his eyes slowly open "Your awake! I'll get the doctor!" The nurse ran out as she came back with a doctor.

He walked up to her "Do you know who you are?" The doctor asked the patient "Yes Guren Nash..." Guren answered the doctor as he smiled "Yes, do you know why your here?" He asked another question.

Guren shook his head slowly "No..." he answered as the doctor nodded "Can you tell me what was the last thing you remember?" Doctor asked Guren.

Guren tried the best that he could remember but everything was all blurry to him. He could see himself with others but couldn't make out their faces.

He looked up at the doctor "It's kinda blurry, I think I was on the roof with someone." Guren answered the doctor as he nodded. "Yes."

Mr. Nash Pov

I came running into Guren room to see him awake with the doctor in here "Dad...!" Guren tried to shout but couldn't.

A nurse walked in with a cup of water "Drink some water here." She tells him as he took the water and started drinking it.

I was so happy that my son was awake now "Are you hungry Guren, who am I kidding of course you are." I said as Guren nodded "Yeah I am." He answered me.

Not long did the nurse bring Guren his lunch as he started eating "Ceylan, Chooki and Toxsa will be so happy to hear your awake." I told him as he looked confused.

"Who are they?" Guren asked me as I was taken back by that. The doctor walked in "It seems that Guren has lost some parts of his memories."

My eyes widen "So my son doesn't remember who his friends are or what he loves doing?" I asked the doctor "That's right. It is possible that his memories will come back slowly."

My son doesn't remember being Bravenwolf or protecting Quarton. He doesn't remember his friends or his best friend that he made in school.

I looked at Guren as he looked down at his hands "I hope I can remember everything dad." He tells me as I nodded "Me too son." I answered him.

Guren was able to be released that day but the doctor told him that he should eat and get back on his feet by seeing the city again.

I was driving us home as Guren looked out the window "Some places look really familiar to me but it's hard to remember them." Guren told me. "He did say it would take time."

Guren Pov

I wish that I could remember what I can't remember. I feel like I'm forgetting some important stuff. I just don't know what it is though.

Three Days Later

I sighed as I was bored I decided to go out for a walk "Guren?" I turned to see a boy that was wearing dark color clothes.

I raised an eyebrow "Do I know you?" I asked him as he looked surprised then he closed his eyes "I see so you lost your memory."

I nodded at him "My name is Gen...I'm actually the reason why your in the hospital and don't remember anything..." Gen tells me as my eyes widen.

It's his fault, I felt so mad but I can't just agree with him "Why?" I asked him as Gen looked at me.

Gen took a deep breath as he begun to speak "You see I forced you to betray your friends and hurt them. That goes on for awhile until you decide to go back to your friends side. So we fought and I was in danger so you helped me even though I told you to let go. You saved me Guren while you fell into the fountain."

I was shocked by what Gen told me, the anger I was feeling was gone. It wasn't his fault at all, I chose to save him even if he was in the wrong.

I shook my head as I smiled at him "I don't blame you at all Gen." I told him as he was shocked and nodded at me. "Thank you Guren." Gen thanked me.

Chooki Pov

Me, Toxsa and Ceylan were headed to Toxsa family diner. We were walking by the river as I saw Guren talking with Gen?!

"Is that Guren with Gen?!" Ceylan voiced my thoughts as we looked at them. "Let's go say hi to Guren and we can ask him why he's talking with Gen." Toxsa told us.

We looked at each other and agreed. We walked towards them "Guren!" We called out his name as Guren turned to us "Do I know you?"

Our eyes widen...

To be continued

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