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Guren Pov

Gen said he wouldn't be coming to school for a couple days not that I care at all. He even told me I should ditch to but I told him I can't cause my dad would get worried about me. He would start wondering if I'm hanging out with bad people.

Right now I was walking to class, I came early so I wouldn't have to see the others especially Ceylan. Its been a week now since I hurt him and the others. I-I hate this...I hate doing this to them...

Ceylan walked in as he sat down at his desk right next to me. I tried not to pay attention to him at all even thought he looks at me in pain. I accidentally hit my wrist against the wall "Urgh...!" I flinched at the pain.

My wrist was bruised and so was my side, Gen punished me for not finishing off Ceylan. He saw me hesitate for a little bit.

I looked out the window, while thinking to myself is this the right thing to do at all...I really miss my friends...class was now starting too.

Ceylan Pov

I saw Guren flinch in pain, I wanted to help him but I would get in trouble with our teacher. But why is he hurt, I don't remember hurting him that badly at all.

No...I couldn't even land a hit on him at all so why is he hurt? I looked up at the front to see that Gen didn't come to school at all, that's good now I can try to talk to him.

In a few minutes the lunch bell will ring, I looked at the clock as it was ticking. *Rings* I saw Guren get up as I grabbed his wrist before he can run away from me.

"Come with me Guren!" I commanded him as I dragged him to an empty classroom. "Let go of me now!" Guren shouted at me.

I was trembling in tears "I wanna talk...please Guren..." I told him as I looked him in the eyes.

Guren looked at me "Fine..." he answered me quietly as he looks away. "Why did you really leave us...No more lying Guren. We're best friends we always tell each other everything!" I shouted at him.

"I already told you why." Guren tells me now looking me in the eyes.I clench my fist "Your lying to me again...!" I shouted at him.

Guren only stayed quiet as he looked at me with no emotion present on his face. No it was more of a glare...I never seen him look at someone like that.

Guren glared at me "Why won't you just give it a rest! Just accept that I betrayed you! Why is that so hard for you to understand Ceylan!" Guren shouted at me with anger in his voice.

My eyes widen as tears came down my cheeks as I shook my head and wipe my tears right away. I need to tell him how I really feel about him...he needs to know cause I can't keep it from him.

I lower my head down a little as I start to blush now "Guren...I-I love you...!" I confessed to him as I was afraid to look him in the eyes. He was quiet for a few seconds.

"Disgusting. I don't love you at all, in fact I hate your guts." Guren tells me as my eyes widen an I looked up at him but Guren was at the door as he left. I fell to my knees in tears...

Guren Pov

My bangs covered my eyes as I was walking 'I'm sorry...Ceylan but...this is...for you...' I thought to myself as tears were streaming down my cheeks. I passed by Toxsa and Chooki as they both saw me.

Toxsa Pov

Wait was Guren crying just now...? "Was Guren crying?" Chooki voiced my thoughts "Yeah, I think he was." I answered him as we went to find Ceylan now.

We were walking until we heard someone crying in a classroom. I opened the door to see that Ceylan was the one crying on his knees. "Dude what happened?!" Chooki ran to Ceylan as he asked him.

"I told him how I felt but he rejected me like it was nothing..." Ceylan tells us as we hugged him. "I can't wait any longer, let's just go to Mr.White shop." I told them.

I saw Chooki and Ceylan looking at each other as they nodded. "We need to find out the truth." Chooki says as we all decided to sneak out of school.

We went to get our stuff from our class first, when no one was looking we left. We ran to Mr. White shop right away and as fast as we can.

To be continued

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