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Mr.Nash Pov

As soon as I got the call, I left the house right away to go straight to the hospital. While driving I saw Guren friends running.

I stopped the car as I honked at them "Are you boys going to the hospital?" I asked them "Yes. We want to see how Guren is doing." Chooki told me.

"I'm going over there want a a lift?" I asked them as they smiled and nodded. They got in and bucked their seatbelts as I drove to the hospital.

It didn't take that long to get there, I parked and we all got out and ran inside. "Guren Nash, I'm his father." I told the women in the front desk.

"One second sir." She tells us as she typed on her computer. "He is in the ER." She told me as she tells me the floor number. I ran to the elevator as Guren friends followed.

After finding where Guren was at and the doctor talking with me. "Other then that Mr.Nash, your son will be alright." The doctor told me.

"Sir! Would he have any head trauma?" Ceylan asked the doctor "Yeah or a head concussion?" Chooki asked another question as Toxsa nodded.

I was curious about that too now "Mr.Nash can we speak privately." The doctor asked me as I nodded. I told the boys to wait for me as I followed the doctor.

He looked me in the eyes "It might be possible that your son may have some memory lost." He tells me as I could only look back at him.

I felt him still staring at me as I spoke up "Falling from that high and falling in that fountain...I wouldn't be surprised..." I mumbled to myself.

"Thank you letting me know doctor." I told him as I went into his room. The boys could only look through the window to see Guren.

No one Pov

Mr.Nash held Guren hand as he was still unconscious, the doctor told him that he is in a coma and that he might have memory lost. A few tears ran down Mr.Nash's cheeks.

The boys felt bad for Guren dad "Man, this really sucks." Toxsa tells his friends. Chooki and Ceylan looked at him "No kidding especially for Guren dad who has to see his son unconscious." Chooki answers Toxsa.

Ceylan looked at Chooki and Toxsa "Guys! Gen is in this hospital, we can find him and ask him what happened." Ceylan tells them both. "Good job Ceylan, you actually came up with a good idea for once." Toxsa tells him as they laughed.

They ran to the front desk to ask for Gen room number to speak with him. They know he wouldn't be in that floor.

Back to Mr.Nash and unconscious Guren.

Mr.Nash held Guren hand up "Son if you can hear me just know that I love you and I will not leave your side." He told his unconscious son.

"Please...pull through..." Mr.Nash whispered to himself as he was still in tears.

Ceylan Pov

We asked the lady as she told us the floor and room number that Gen was in. We ran to go and talk to him as we wanted answers from him.

We finally found his room as I slammed up the door, he was sitting up looking out the window. "I wondered when you three would be here, didn't think this fast." Gen tells us.

Chooki walked up to him as me and Toxsa followed behind him. "Tell us what happened there, why is Guren hurt this bad." I asked him as he still didn't face us.

"...He saved me..." He answered me as we looked at him in surprised. "What do you mean he saved you?" Toxsa asked him now.

Gen was still looking out the window "When earth and quarton started to become one, making everything to become bricks. Guren pushed me down hard as the part I was on started breaking while he broke the machine..." he trailed off.

I grabbed his shoulders making him face us "What happened?! Tell us!" I shouted at him wanting to know what happened to my best friend and crush.

Gen looked me and the others in the eyes "Everything was turning back to normal but where I was standing was too late...the ground broke as I was about to fall until Guren grabbed hold on my arm and saved me. I told him to let me go but he and said 'I won't let go! You might have join the side of evil but I won't let someone die right in front of me!'. He then pulled me up as he ended up falling, he managed to grab onto the building sign pole but he couldn't hold his grip so he decided to fall into the fountain. I managed before he couldn't breathe into the water anymore, I asked him why would he save someone that made him betray his friends...he smiled and told me because he wanted to be friends with me..." Gen finished as tears streamed down.

He truly felt bad and blames this on himself, I looked at the others. Chooki put a hand on Gen's shoulder "Hey man. Guren is someone that wouldn't blame anyone for what he decided to do." He tells him.

I nodded "Yeah, if Guren saw you now he would definitely say this 'Gen it's not your fault, I wanted to save you' or something like that." I told him.

"They're right if Guren saw you, he would be worried about you instead of himself. So don't blame yourself...after all Guren wants to be your friend..." Toxsa says to Gen.

Gen nodded as the tears didn't stop for him, I ended up in tears and so did the others. We were so worried about Guren, we want him to wake up and be his positive self...

Please Guren wake up...

To be continued

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