Guren's Vision

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Bravenwolf Pov

I am facing Dromus right now as our blades collide with one another "Is this all the power you have Bravenwolf." Dromus tells me as we keep fighting "I'm just getting started Dromus! Bravenwolf Tenkai Titan Mode!" I shouted.

I am in my titan mode "Your not the only one that can use titan mode Bravenwolf. Dromus Tenkai Titan Mode Activate!" Dromus is now in titan mode too.

Dromus swung his sword at me with so much power into it "Ahhhh..!" I shouted in pain as I was blown away "This is where you meet your end Bravenwolf along with the other knights." Dromus tells me as I glare at him. "Yeah right like we're going to lose to you guys!" I shouted as I got up.

"Then how do you explain that they are nearing their deaths, Bravenwolf." Dromus says as I saw that Tributon,Valorn and Lydendor are on the ground beaten badly, Venetta defeated while they are in their titan mode... "Oh my, how the mighty have fallen. Haha haha." Venetta laughs...

[Guren Wakes Up]

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed as my eyes shot up right away "Just a...dream..." I whispered to myself as I am covered in sweat, I laid back down on my bed as Max snuggles next to me.

I looked up at my ceiling as I lifted my hand up, I really hope that was just a dream...I don't want that to come true at all. I'm begging please just let it be a dream, that would be my worst nightmare if it does come true. I don't want to see them get hurt at all... I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't at all, my eyes wouldn't stay close at all.

I rested my arm on top of my forehead as I looked from the corner of my eyes that Max fell back asleep. Unlike Max I just couldn't fall back asleep at all, I'm afraid that I might have that dream again with everyone hurt.

Ceylan Pov

Today class is boring as usual *Yawns* I was tried like always but I noticed that Guren looks tired. "Hey man, did you get any sleep?" I whispered to him.

Guren looked at me with a his usual smile "No but I'll be fine Ceylan." Guren whispered back at me. Truth be told I like Guren a lot but I don't want to ruin our friendship if I get rejected by him. Next class we have is P.E and we're running today...great...


"Okay next runners are Ceylan and Guren!" Ms.Fenwick shouted "No hard feelings if I win right man." I told him "What makes you think your going to win Ceylan." Guren joked with a smile.

We got in position as Ms.Fenwick said go and me and Guren are running, I'm definitely going to win this race that's for sure.

Guren Pov

I was running but my vision is getting not now...I can't worry anyone. I tried to keep my eyes from closing as I was catching up to Ceylan but I couldn't help it anymore...

Back to Ceylan Pov

I was almost to the end of the finish line "Stop the race!" Ms.Fenwick shouted as I was confused and turned around to see that Guren is on the ground.

I ran towards him "What happened to him!?"I asked worried about him. "He fainted, we need to get him to the infirmary right now." Ms.Fenwick says "I'll take him." I put Guren on my back.

I carried Guren on my back as I went straight to the Nurse's office "Excuse me, my friend fainted in P.E!" I shouted as the nurse came "Oh lay him on the bed, what happened to him?" She asked me.

I looked at Guren "I noticed that today he wasn't himself and that he looked tired, then suddenly while we were running he fainted." I told her what I knew. "I see." She says as she checks his temperature.

"Doesn't seem like he has a fever but by what you told me is that he fainted from exhaustion." The Nurse tells me, I was shocked as I looked at Guren "You can stay in here till your friend wakes up, I'll let your teacher know about this." I nodded at her as I sat next to the bed.

How could I not realize this sooner at all, it was obvious that he didn't get much sleep but coming to school and acting like your alright Guren is just stupid. You should have just stayed home and got some more rest.

A few hours went by as the school bell rang, I woke up "That's right I stayed with Guren..." I whispered to myself as I stretched to see Guren starting to wake up "You okay dude?" I asked him.

Guren sat up an rubbed his eyes "Yeah...did I fall asleep?" He asked me as he looked at me too. "Yeah, you fainted during the race so I brought you to the infirmary. The nurse says you fainted due to exhaustion but with rest that you be good as new." I told him what the nurse said.

"Sorry for troubling you Ceylan." Guren apologize to me "No need to apologist at all." I told him as we walked out of school. Our core bricks started to glow "Time to go!" Guren shouted as I nodded and we ran to Mr.white shop.

Chooki and Toxsa were there waiting for us "Let's go guys." Chooki tells us "Right!" We all shouted as we went to the Portal in the basement.

To be continued

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