Come Back Guren!!

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No One Pov

As soon as the knights appeared they were met with an army of the Corrupted and with Bravenwolf as well. "You finally appeared Knights." Dromus tells us.

The knights all glared at him. "Yeah we came, we aren't running away from this fight at all!" Lydendor shouted at Dromus.

Venetta walked next to Dromus "My they certainly have guts today, this should be fun. Don't you think Bravenwolf." Venetta says as she looked at Bravenwolf

He stayed quiet for a few seconds as he turned away "...Yes..." He answered her as she giggled and looked back at the knights and the Corekai. "I can't wait to beat them to the ground." Venetta says while giggling.

Dromus looks at Bravenwolf "Than let's finish this once and for all Knights." Dromus tells the three Tenkai Knights. "Yeah right like we will lose to you Dromus!" Tributon shouted while pointing his Tenkai bow.

Venetta and Bravenwolf are both ready to defeat the knights now as well. "Time to make you Tenkai Knights permanently disappear." Venetta tells them while laughing.

The knights noticed that Bravenwolf no Guren was listening to Dromus. He was obeying their orders like it is nothing to him especially the part of getting rid of them permanently.

"Now Let The Battle Begin!!"

They all attacked even Bravenwolf, he swung his Tenkai sword at them "Ahhhhhhhh!!" They all shouted in pain as they were blown to the ground. "Man how are we supposed to beat Bravenwolf guys?!" Tributon shouted.

Lydendor stood up "I'm not sure but we need to think of something and fast!!" Lydendor shouted as they laughed. "I won't lose to you knights, I will fight you!" Bravenwolf shouted at the knights.

"Bravenwolf! We won't let you choose the wrong path!" Valorn shouted as he didn't say anything to him. "Enough talk, lets fight Knights." Dromus told them.

Lydendor Pov

Man I forgot how strong Bravenwolf is, he is our leader after all but right now he is an enemy no a friend that needs our help. "Bravenwolf stop this! This isn't you at all!!" I shouted at him.

Bravenwolf lifted his sword staring at us "This is me, this is what I chose." He tells us. "Bravenwolf you are one of us too!" Tributon shouted as he walked up to him. "Be careful." Valorn warned Tributon.

Suddenly Dromus attacked me while Venetta attacked Valorn. "What the?!" Valorn shouted who managed to dodge Venetta attacks.  "Guys you alright?!" Tributon asked us.

"We will handle them, just try to snap Bravenwolf out of this! Bring him back to all of us!" I shouted while attacking Dromus as Valorn was fighting Venetta "Yeah! We got this Tributon!" Valorn tells him.

I blocked Dromus sword attack "You honestly think that Tributon will actually be able to bring him back?" Dromus tells me as I smirked at him. "Of course. This is Tributon we're talking about here, did you forget those two were the best of friends." I told him.

Dromus glared at me as we went back to fighting like Valorn and Venetta.

Tributon Pov

I walked up to Bravenwolf "It's me Bravenwolf, your best friend." I told him as he pointed his sword at me as I stopped moving. "Your not my best friend anymore." He tells me emotionless.

"Ouch that actually hurts..." I whispered hurt by his words. 'Bravenwolf I know why you are doing this...but we don't need to be protected...' I thought to myself.

Bravenwolf suddenly attacked me as I was able to block it. "That was close..." I whispered as I moved back from him. I just need to get through to him somehow but how exactly do I do that.

"Stop blocking and dodging my attacks, fight me!" He shouted at me as he came towards me and attacked again. I jumped out of the way as I shot my arrows at him.

Oh no I hope he's okay... Bravenwolf stood up as he looked at me. For some reason it's like now instead of seeing bravenwolf I see Guren himself.

I closed my eyes as I stared at Guren in the eyes as he had no expression. "How are you in my armor?" He asked me. "I'm not sure at all." I told him honestly.

We both had our shields and weapons but I dropped mines on the ground "Why won't you fight me?" He asked me as I shook my head and smiled at him.

I jumped at him and hugged him as he was struggling against me "Hey! Let go of me now!" Guren shouted annoyed by this.


"I will not let you go at all! Guren please come back to us!" I shouted still hugging him as he keeps struggling. "I told you I'm your enemy now!" He shouts at me.

I can tell he is getting mad especially for someone that hardly ever gets mad at anyone. "Guren! We became best friends and we became knights together! We don't need you to protect us anymore!" I yelled at him.

Bravenwolf Pov

My eyes widen...' they know why I'm doing this. No they can't know because I never told them or anybody...unless Guardian Boreas showed them...'

I lifted up my Tenkai sword as I was ready to stab Tributon with it until he spoke up again. "Please come back Guren. Not having you around has been hurting me a lot especially since I love come back..."

Tears were dripping from Tributon, my eyes widen as I dropped my Tenkai sword. "...C-Ceylan..." I said his name as tears are now streaming down from my cheeks.

'I-I almost killed him and I only fought to protect them...' I thought to myself mad at myself. "Guren!" Ceylan looked at me with a small smile as I smiled back at him.

Suddenly I could only see his Tributon form now. "Yeah I'm back, but I can't see you in your human self Tributon." I told him as he nodded "Yeah don't know what happened." He tells me.

"Bravenwolf you don't need to protect us anymore, we can protect ourselves. I want you to know that, so you don't have to handle this burden alone cause we're here for you." Tributon tells me.

I looked at him in surprised "I should have trusted you guys and had more faith in you all. I'm sorry for everything." I told Tributon as he smiled and the others joined in.

"No sweat, but we expect a proper apology once we get back home Bravenwolf." Lydendor tells me as I nodded. "Yeah, and some snacks with that apology!" Valorn shouted as I chuckled.

We all laughed together until someone shouted at us.


To be continued

Tenkai Knights Betrayal to Protect Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ