Guren vs Gen

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Guren Pov

Just like what happen with me and Ceylan is happening to us. I can see Gen himself with a black and purple tenkai sword and shield.

I hand the same sword and shield but it was a different color "We don't have to fight Gen!" I shouted to him as he glares at me. "Hahaha you think there is another way out of this?!" He shouted back.

Our swords collide with one another "Fine then but why join the Corrupted side!" I asked him as we kept fighting. "You wouldn't understand the pain I went through!"

I backed away from him "The pain...?" I whispered but loud enough for him to hear me. "Yes! I hate you Bravenwolf!" Gen shouted at me as I glared at him.

I swung my sword at him "I don't hate you! Sure I'm mad at you but I want to help you find the right path!" I told him as he jumped away from me and looked straight at me.

Lydendor Pov

I turned to look at Bravenwolf and Dromus but I wasn't the only one watching them fight all out. "Those two stopped fighting?" I said as Tributon and Valorn looked.

Both sides was watching them fight "Yeah I wonder why they stopped fighting?" Valorn asked as I shrugged my shoulders at him not knowing the answer.

I can feel it...this aura they both are surrounded's not good at all. They both are filled with anger... "Please Bravenwolf don't fall into the darkness." I whispered.

Gen Pov

I glared at Guren himself "You wouldn't understand!" I shouted as our swords clashed "What do you mean!" Guren shouted "That life is meaningless!"

"When I was younger I didn't realize I was powerless, thinking that my happy life will go on forever. But it didn't one day my family wasn't a family anymore." I told him as we clashed swords again.

I looked at him "Then I realized the life I had wasn't there anymore. My whole world was taken from me and I couldn't do nothing! Nothing to get it back to how it was!" I shouted while glaring.

Guren looked at me "But it's not like any of that was your fault." He tells me "Of course that wasn't my fault you fool! That would mean that mattered, that I had control over things!"

Bravenwolf swung his sword but I blocked it "I tried my hardest to get good grades to be strong but no matter what I tried to do, I was still powerless!" I told him.

We kept clashing swords "That's why you want to destroy the world because of family problems!" Guren shouted at me. "You have everything that I don't!" I shouted back at Guren.

Guren backed away "What do you mean?" He asked me "I lost my family, my friends one by one! I was alone in the world! I didn't betray the world it betrayed me!"

Bravenwolf vs Dromus Pov

Their swords collide again and again "Your Wrong! My life isn't perfect!" Bravenwolf shouted at Dromus as he still attacked him.

"The only family I have is my dad! When my mom died it was the worst day of our lives! We got through it because me and my dad had each other!" Bravenwolf shouted.

Dromus glared at him "SHUT UP!!!!!" Dromus shouted as he attacked Bravenwolf with anger as Bravenwolf blocked it. He closed his eyes "I don't want to fight you Dromus!"


With so much anger in Dromus he was able to hurt Bravenwolf "ARGGGHHH!!!!" He screamed in pain. "BRAVENWOLF!" The others shouted "I'm fine!" He assured them.

Bravenwolf himself grabbed his left shoulder as it was bleeding "Ahahaha. See Bravenwolf, Power is much better then having friends and family!" He told him.

Dromus was laughing at this "Everything that you care about will be gone soon! Ahahahahaha!" Dromus laughed more as the other Knights were worried about their leader.

Bravenwolf stared at Dromus, his arm felt numb. He watched as Dromus kept laughing "Face it I have beaten you!" He told Bravenwolf as he took a deep breath.

He was face to face with Gen actual body still "I will not lose to you Gen..." Guren whispered as suddenly he attacked Gen right away.

Gen eyes widen as his sword was out of his hand "This battle is over Gen!" Guren shouted as he was now facing Dromus.

Bravenwolf attack Dromus in the blink of an eye "GYAAAHHH!!!!" He screamed in pain, Because of the anger Guren felt he managed to cut Gen on his shoulder too.

"...Impossible..." Dromus fell to the ground as Bravenwolf looked at him. "I'm sorry...but I also can't afford to lose." Bravenwolf tells him.

"Bravenwolf Tenkai Energy is low, time to recharge." I.A tells him as Bravenwolf nodded. He left Quartan leaving the Tenkai Knights to fight.

Guren Pov (Earth)

I'm back! That's good, I ran up to the roof to stop the machine that Gen and Beni built to make earth and quarton become one.

I need to hurry fast, I flinched in pain "Man my shoulder still hurts and it's still bleeding...but I need to hurry." I tell myself as I kept running as I finally made it to the roof.

I ran towards the machine that is until I was thrown to the ground "I won't let you turn it off!" I looked to see it was Gen. "I will turn it off Gen!" I shouted at him.

He was still hurt where I cut him at as he was also still bleeding. I glared at him as he glared at me. I will not let him ruin both worlds at all.

"It doesn't have to be this way!" I yelled at him as I was on top of him now but he punched me in the face as I got off of him. He tried to hit me again but I moved away fast.

The wind was strong we both glared at each other again. "I WONT LET YOU WIN!!!" We both shouted at the same time.

To be continued

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