↳ christmas at the manor #1

Start from the beginning

"One which I was manipulated into." There was a fondness to his tone. "But I am also a being of my word."


"Well, I may not always be a man but I'll always fulfill my end of agreements, manipulative as they are." He felt conflicted brewing internally, it'd probably be better to just drop her off back home, until her bright smile was registered. "So get changed unless you fancy getting hypothermia."

"I didn't bring any clothes." Captain Obvious remained unsaid.

"Down the hall on your left, go past every yellow door, across the brewery, go up seven floors on the lift and there should be a wardrobe that fits you." His matter of fact directions barely registered when Bill ran into the TARDIS.

It seemed so out of character for him to actually go through with this, however being stuck at that place for years on end plus the TARDIS refusing to land anywhere else made for a pretty convincing case. So two birds with one stone and all that right? Added to that, a little adventure was probably not going to kill him.

Unless Nardole found out. Then he'd be super dead.

"In your future, Coraline Canassis is it for lack of a better expression." His voice produced puffs of smoke in the frigid air. "She's starred in movies, recorded best selling music and modeled for most famous brands."

"So she's pretty then." Even if she'd fallen for Heather, Bill always appreciated a pretty face when she saw one.

"I guess, though I fail to see how that's relevant."

Their quick strides soon carried them across a snowy field into a warm foyer. A ceiling that had to be at least three meters above Bill's head had an effect very similar to the snow falling from the great hall ceiling in Harry Potter, it was impressive.

"Dude, this is amazing." The Doctor silently prayed to whatever was out there for a quiet night.

"It is, isn't it?" He offered his arm to her as they glided into an true winter wonderland.

The large ball room's ceiling had a similar effect which left people covered in rapidly disappearing snowflakes. Everyone seemed at ease around tables covered in forest green towels, all of which were placed along walls so as to leave space open for dancing and mingling. It had been so long since he had done something as simple as going to a party (none of the faculty members at Saint Luke's likes him that much) that The Doctor too was blown away by this. Every little detail emanated a christmasy feeling, including staff members that wore outfits resembling Santa.

"Can I have your attention?" A blonde woman stood in front of an elevated table sitting whom he assumed to be the Canassis family. "Thank you all for coming, I am Caroline."

A song his companion had told him was a traditional Christmas one became quieter as a speech began. She is pretty barely registered because as usual his attention had diverted elsewhere, to a maid just behind the family's table. Unlike all other, this one stood tensely in her burgundy outfit, eyes staring a hole on a man's back.

"Bill, look at that." It couldn't be a coincidence to give someone such a hard stare then begin a discreet exit.

"Shut up, Doctor." His friend was more preoccupied with a pretty blonde though.

With an eye roll, his footsteps quickly followed the woman through a side door.

"Wait up!" The Doctor ran after her, wishing for a pair of red converse sneakers instead of these dress shoes.

The woman, however, seemed to have no problem running with stiletto heels.

"Unfortunately, parties don't last forever." Bill continued blissfully unaware in the ballroom, smiling at how a ginger woman seemed to love everything. "So close your eyes, take a deep breath and live this moment."

The Doctor barely had time to focus on scared green eyes before things went black.


this chapter is just an intro and I'm super excited because I've planned this whole episode out to be six-seven chapters long. Please, don't be silent readers 💙

26/04: just fixed a minor grammar issue

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