Chapter Eleven // ''I Thought We Were Nothing More...''

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   Tanizaki was crying as a pool of blood was flooding out of Naomi's neck. ''Oh, this is bad.'' I murmured. ''You think?'' Dazai shot at me. ''I'll give you back to Mori-Kun!'' I threatened. ''Wait, you gave him to Mori in the first place?'' Yosano asked. ''YES!!'' Dazai yelled. ''HEY, MY LITTLE SISTER IS DYING!!'' Tanizaki yelled. ''R-Right!'' I got focused again on Naomi.

   I picked up Naomi. ''Follow me. I know where we can get help!'' I yelled as everyone began to follow me. I could hear Yosano asking Dazai about what happened. Dazai was telling Yosano his side of the story and I could hear her gasps. I just rolled my eyes.

   Eventually, we got there. It was a small, blue house. it was clean and bright even though the shade of paint was really dark. I didn't even knock, I just kicked down the door. ''Jesmyn!'' I yelled. All the lights in the house were turned off. She was still there though, I could tell. ''Jesmyn, I really need your help!'' 

   A dog ran by. It was a Golden Retriever but it's coat looked white almost. It ran to this corner and I knew it would lead me to Jesmyn. ''China, no! Drop it, drop it!'' She said is a commanding voice. ''Sit. Good girl~!'' She pat her dog's head as I called for her. ''Jesmyn!'' I yelled. She jumped up. ''Y-Yes (Y/N)!'' Jesmyn was always scared of you even when you became friends. She also liked her dog way more than you. ''Can you help her?'' I asked motioning to Naomi. ''Is-Is she dead yet?'' She asked. ''No, but she will if we don't hurry!'' I snapped. ''Y-Yes ma'am!'' 

   Jesmyn Wards. She was my friend since 2nd grade. She came from America to Yokohama. She was adopted since her dad was an abusive alcoholic and her mom died giving birth to her brothers. She moved to Japan when the family that adopted her in America's house got wrecked in a hurricane. They already previously lived in Japan and had relatives there, so they moved here. Her ability is ''Salvage the Bones''. She can fix any injury by multiplying the speed of certain cells. All she needs to know is their blood type and hold there hand. 

   Jesmyn held Naomi's hand. ''Blood type,'' Jesmyn demanded. ''A,'' Tanizaki answered. You could see the wound close together at insane speeds. It's like nothing happened. Jesmyn left the room then came back with a soaking rag. She cleaned up as much blood as she could. ''Amazing,'' Yosano whispered. Jesmyn put Naomi in Tanizaki's arms. ''She should wake up here soon. I think her clothes might be stained, though.'' Jesmyn sighed. ''T-Thank you!'' Tanizaki bowed. Jesmyn smiled. 

   Jesmyn's face was splattered with freckles. She had bright blue eyes and messy red hair. She put it in a long braid. She had denim shorts on with a black belt and a white short-sleeved shirt on. Her socks when up to her knees with some Converse on.

   ''Okay, thank you! That's all I needed.'' I said as we walked out.

   Later, we all reconvened at the ADA. Yosano was popping open champagne as it splashed all over the floor. Kunikida huffed but grabbed a mop.  

  Dazai was talking to Atsushi as I approached him. I was a nervous wreck, and Atsushi saw that. He finished up his conversation and left Dazai's side. Dazai didn't see me until he turned his head. 

  ''Oh, so that's why he left.'' Dazai rolled his eyes.  ''I-I brought you champagne.'' I smiled nervously. Dazai took it eventually as I at beside him on the table. ''So uh,-'' I sighed. ''So, why did you give me to Mori?'' Dazai asked while he swished his champagne in his glass. ''I-I did because I had to!'' I answered. ''No, you didn't. You really didn't. And the fact that you saved me makes that 'I had to' statement untrue.'' Dazai huffed. ''I-I'm sorry. You're completely right...''  I looked down. ''I know I am.'' Dazai still was looking at his glass. ''No, I mean it. You have every right to be mad at me.'' I looked at Dazai as he looked at me. ''I'm sorry. I really am.'' I looked back down at the ground as I got up. ''Wait,'' Dazai got up too. He weaved his hand through my hair to hold the side of my head. He tilted my head up and saw how I was tearing up. I thought he was going to do something romantic. ''Cheers?'' He asked. Instead, he did something sweet. I smiled at him. ''To what?'' I asked. ''To you not being fired, hopefully.'' We both smiled as I laughed. 


  The glasses hit each other as Yosano and Rampo looked at us. ''I guess everything's back to normal,'' Rampo said eating some random snacks. ''To think a mafia boss would have feelings,'' Yosano added.

~3 Months Later~

   Miraculously, I didn't get fired. Neither did Chuuya. Or Akutagawa. The past few months, I've been somber, constantly on my phone. ''(Y/NN),what's wrooongg?'' Chuuya whined. ''Dazai won't respond to any of my text or talk to me! He's been avoiding me for 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, and 16- no, 17seconds!'' I complained. ''Why are you keeping track like that. Obsessed?'' Chuuya teased. ''NoO! STOP! YOU'RE NOT HELPING!'' I yelled. I'm just kidding!'' Chuuya laughed. ''-But if he doesn't respond to you now, hate to break it to you, he might be over you..'' Chuuya sighed. ''N-No! He can't! I'm irresistible!'' I yelled. ''Sure... But seriously.'' Chuuya sighed. I sat there in a worse mood. He was probably over me. 

  I decided I would go to Dazai's house. Maybe he just blocked my number? Yeah, that's why he didn't respond. When my shift was over, I headed over. 




  He opened the door and looked at me. He didn't look mad this time, but he wasn't smiling. ''(Y-Y/N)-chan...'' Dazai looked surprised actually to see me. ''What are you doing here?'' he asked. ''Uhm, you never replied to any of my calls or texts, or letters I sent in the mail, or-'' Dazai cut me off of my list and hugged me. ''W-What's this for?'' I asked, my face burning up. He didn't respond. ''Why didn't you respond to any of my texts?'' I asked. ''I liked the ...'' He muttered the last part so I couldn't hear it. ''What?'' I asked.

   ''I liked the attention.''

    I saw a side of Dazai I never saw before. He was almost vulnerable. He hugged me tighter. ''I knew if I responded, the letters, texts, would be less desperate. I didn't mean to lead you on, I was just scared things wouldn't be the same anymore.'' Dazai stated. ''I didn't want to lose you...'' Dazaiwhimpered almost. I hugged him back as I started crying. ''(Y-Y-Y/N)! Are-Are you  crying?'' Dazai asked. I nodded. ''I th-th-thought you didn't  SNIFF want anything to do with me!'' I whined. Dazai laughed. ''I'm just so happy!'' I cried. Dazai held the side of my head. He leaned in as he gently pressed his warm lips on mine. I almost immediately stopped crying. Dazai drew back and smiled at me.

   ''I'm glad I was more than just your assignment.''


Thank you so much for reading ♡! It's pretty much the end of the story but please read the 2 chapters ahead. They're really short. But again, I can't thank you enough for reading! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Word Count: 1261 Words

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now