Chapter Nine // Help

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   ''Hey, Gremlin! Where've you been?'' Chuuya opened his arms out wide in a ''what the heck'' kind of way but with a smile on his face still. ''Wanna grab a drink? My shift's over and it's almost time for your break.'' Chuuya offered. I walked right passed him like he didn't exist. 

   ''Uh, (Y/N)?'' Chuuya asked. ''...286..287...289...29-'' I was counting the money Mori gave me for Dazai's ''bounty''. Chuuya turned me around and looked me in the eyes. ''(Y/N)? What are you doing?'' 

   ''What does it look like? I'm counting money.'' I replied. Chuuya sighed. ''What's wrong?'' Chuuya asked. 

''What-what do you mean?'' 

''Your face; you make that face when something's up.''

   ''I-I gave Dazai to-to Mori-Kun already...'' A dismal expression crashed over me. Chuuya stood there shocked, he never was good at making people feel better. ''I'm-I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I know how much you liked him-''

''No, you don't! You never did either! You don't understand what I'm going through!'' I yelled at Chuuya as he just stood there like, ''well what do you want me to do then?''.

  ''(Y/N)-Chan, Dazai-San wants a moment alone with you.'' Mori sighed. ''O-Of course.'' I bumped into Chuuya on purpose and that made him ticked, but then just walked away.

   I cracked open the door as Dazai glared at me. The rope gag was taken out of his mouth. ''D-D-Dazai-San! Y-You're okay!'' I smiled as I ran up to him after I closed the door ever so slightly. ''Don't act like your happy to see me. You don't have to act anymore, (Y/N).'' Dazai snarled. ''B-B-But I am glad you're okay, really!'' Dazai was in disbelief. ''Oh yes, because when I'm worried about you I tie you up. Actually, you tied me up. I was trying to warn you about how the Armed Detective Agency was on to you, but that's probably a lie too.'' Dazai hissed. ''Dazai-San, I really am sorry- I-I-I had too-'' ''YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!'' Dazai began. ''Mori doesn't control your life!'' Dazai stated. ''Yes, he does! You out of all people should know that!'' You threw back. Dazai paused for a minute as he began again. ''You know what (Y/N)? Out of all the pain I've been through, out of all the deaths I've witnessed, all the shame that crashed over me, your betrail hurt the most!'' Dazai admitted. Tears rolled down my face. I couldn't help it. Dazai was right. ''(Y/N)... I-I didn't mean-'' Dazai looked at me and then hid is face after I left before he could finish.

  Thanks to that conversation, I know what I had to do. 




   Rampo opened the door a crack. He looked that it was me, the person who's on a wanted list and immediately shut the door. ''Uhhh, Kunikida, (Y/N) (L/N) at the door. What do I do?'' Rampo said nonchalantly, against the door. ''What! W-Well, don't let her in!'' Kunikida was frantically moving papers and throwing things left in right. ''I'll get Fukuzawa...'' Atsushi muttered as he left quietly. ''I wonder what she wants with us!'' Tanizaki said in a panic. ''Don't worry! I won't let them hurt you!'' Naomi hugged Tanizaki and she rubbed his chest. ''Pl-Please stop...''




   I knocked 3 times on the door again. I heard a solemn voice echo out in the hall. ''Let her in.'' Fukuzawa said in a stern voice. ''B-B-But sir, we-we don't know what we're dealing with here!'' Kunikida searched for a better response while Fukuzawa still stayed confident in his answer. ''Let her in. If she were to attack us, then she would have done that already.'' Fukuzawa stood strong as Rampo slightly open the door again. 

  ''C-Come on in.'' Kunikida said in a distressed tone as I walked through the door that Rampo was holding it. Everyone stared at me with a weird expression. I guess it was expected. ''Pfft.. you don't have to look at me like that.'' I giggled as everything just became awkward.

~Time Skip~

  I sat down as Kenjii handed me a cup of water. ''Ahem... thank you..'' I fixed my voice. ''So uh, (Y/N)-chan? Why- Why are you here?'' Yosano finally spoke up. ''Oh yeah, so funny story. Dazai-San got kidnapped by the Port Mafia so that's fun.'' I said as I then drank some of my water. ''WHAT!? D-D-DAZAI-SAN. KIDNAPPED??'' Atsushi yelled. ''It happens more often then you think.'' I sipped.

  ''He's in Mori's room. I have a plan to get him back. That is, if you want to. To be frank, I need your help.'' I stated. ''Before we discuss any further, what is your plan,'' Fukuzawa asked. ''Well, I need for someone to be a decoy and get some of the guards away while I take some people to go to Mori's office. While Mori's distracted, I'll steal Dazai.'' I ended. ''Not trying to be rude but that's not a good plan...'' Tanizaki said flushed. ''Yeah! Your plan is like, the worst!'' Noami added. ''I'm sorry, did you have a better one?'' I snapped back. I was shot down when Kunikida chimed in. 

   ''Well, we didn't even know he was with the mafia!'' Kunikida began. ''Anyway, I have so many questions. ''Why are we all decoys? Why can't you have someone who's already in the mafia do it? Also, what if we get hurt? We can't risk our entire lives for something like that! Most importantly, why are we entrusting you with Dazai?'' Kunikida asked irritated. 

   ''Well, someone in the mafia can't do it because we're all criminals. If we were to be fired, we would get killed on the streets or Mori would most likely kill us... probably. And two, if you get hurt, I know someone who can get you guys help. And finally, with Dazai it's because, well, you're just going to have to trust me. '' I ended. 

  Everyone in the Armed Detective Agency looked at each other. It was silent before Fukuzawa looked at him at once. ''Rampo.'' Fukuzawa shot. Rampo put on his glasses and looked around at me. ''I say we trust her. I don't read any signs of sabotage or her lying. I don't see any other flaws with her plan either.'' Rampo sighed. ''I can't believe we're trusting her.'' Kunikida sighed.

  ''Great! So, when will the plan take place?'' I smiled as I leaned towards them. ''Tomorrow at dawn. Meet us here and don't be late.'' Fukuzawa huffed. 

  ''Wouldn't dream of it.'' 


Word Count: 1085 Words

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now