Chapter Eight // It's Done...

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   I woke up closer to Dazai. I didn't remember falling asleep. He held me close to him and he was still asleep. He had to be. I tried to pry his arms off from around me but he just squirmed. ''No wHy woUld I stEAl youR wiNe, ChUUYa?'' Dazai asked, sleep-talking. I tried again and Dazai let go of me. He turned on his side and seemed to sleep deeper. 

  I got dressed and ready for work. I looked back at Dazai and saw his cute little face but didn't dare look at him twice. I was trying not to get to attached to him, but I obviously was failing.

~Time Skip~




  ''CHUUYA!!'' You yelled as you tackled him. ''Ow! What's happening? What do you need, gremlin????'' Chuuya rolled his eyes. ''It's Dazai...'' You wrapped your arms around him tighter. ''What did he do now? I'll kill him if he hurt you!'' Chuuya yelled. ''No! It's not that... it's... something else..'' Chuuya looked confused as I got off of him. I held my elbows and My face turned to a shade of bright red. ''Oh? What happened?''  He asked, already not believing the story I haven't even told yet. ''Dazai and I... we... you know.. ehhh??'' I tried to explain without saying what happened. ''Spit it out. I don't have all day!'' Chuuya put his hands on his hips.

''We did... that... we.. did the dirty??''

''What's that supposed to mean??''

''We... we slept together!''

  I basically yelled that for all of the Port Mafia to hear. Chuuya starred at me blankly followed by complete silence. ''Oh, well, Uhm, well would you look at that! I have all day! Don't need to do anything!'' Chuuya laughed and rubbed my back. ''Come on, Gremlin. What do you want me to do?'' ''I-I don't know.. Advice? It was for my cover!'' I was almost in tears. ''Okay, okay, okay. Just, calm down. We'll talk about this.''

~Time Skip~

  ''-AND THEN HE ACCUSED ME OF MURDER, AND ARSON, AND, AND, AND sniff'' I was crying, tell Chuuya all of what happened last night. ''There, there. I get your situation.'' Chuuya said. '' SNIFF! You-You, do?'' I asked. ''There once was this girl in middle school- wait- NEVER MIND THAT! Uhm, advice! Yes, you need advice right?'' Chuuya searched for his words. He finally collected himself. ''Well, do you like Dazai?'' Chuuya asked. I stared at him for a minute. ''NO! OF-OF COURSE NOT!! HE'S STUPID AND ANNOYING, AND CUTE, and sweet sometimes, and, and, yeah, I think I do...'' I admitted. ''Well, you still need to bring him to Mori-Boss.'' Chuuya put bluntly. ''Yeah, I know. It's just, I don't- I don't, want to hurt him.'' I put my head down on the table. ''Who said you had too?'' Chuuya said. ''What do you mean?''

~Dazai's P.O.V~

   ''Dazai. DAZAI!'' I woke up from my daydream when Kunikida hit me on the side of the head with his notebook. ''Ow! What was that for?'' I yelled. ''I wanna know what your little show was about in the meeting last night.'' Kunikida sat down at his desk. I can't tell him I'm living with her. ''I was just wondering why she would do it. What would she gain from it?'' I lied, but know that I think about it, why is she staying with me if she's part of the mafia? ''Really? I didn't think you cared that much to make a scene about it, Dazai-san.'' Atsushi put his finger on his chin. ''Wait, that might be useful.'' Kunikida then wrote what looked like pages upon pages in his notebook.  

~Time Skip~

   ''Alright, I'm going home!'' I cheered. ''Have a good evening, Dazai-San.'' Atsushi waved. I waved as I closed the door and began to walk home, bummed. Why is she doing this? Why won't she just tell me? I guess telling someone from a detective agency that your part of a mafia wouldn't be a smart move. 

   When I got home, (Y/N)-chan was still there. She greeted me with a smile. ''(Y/N)-chan,'' I began. ''Please just tell me, are you apart of the mafia.'' Her smile quickly faded away. ''I-I can't keep the truth from you any longer! I'm-I'm a mafia member, yes.'' Her eyes became glossy and her cheeks cherry red. A tear ran down her soft face. God, she was so pretty. I cautiously walked to her and engulfed her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck while one of her hands began to wonder. She put her hand on my chest then made her way down to punch me in the gut. ''THE-THE HELL, (Y/N)!!'' I clenched my stomach as she pushed me on the ground, looking at me emotionless. I hit my head on the hard, wood floor as I saw her get on top of me. She grabbed a rag and a bottle of what looked like chloroform from her pocket. Why did she have that in there? Anyway, she covered my mouth and the top on my nose with the wet rag until I passed out.

~Your P.O.V~

   I didn't make a peep. I was irritated he didn't just stop talking about my affiliation so it made it easier. When this is all done and over with, I can see him at work every day! I tied him up the tied a knot in his mouth. I brought him to work the next day. 




   ''Come in.'' I stood outside Mori's door as he welcomed me from the inside. I opened the doors and drug Dazai in the room. He was squirming and trying to yell but the rope prevented him from saying anything legible. ''Oh? You'refinished already? Ha! This is great, (Y/N)-Chan!'' Mori stood up from his chair, walking closer to Dazai, clapping. ''Amazingly done, (Y/N). There's hardly a scratch on him!'' Mori examined him front to back and all around. ''Can I go now?'' I asked because admittedly, it was hard to see Dazai all tied up. ''Yes, in fact, I wanted a moment alone with him. Here's your reward.'' Mori handed me an envelope with my payment inside as I left the room.


I want to give a special thanks to the people who supported this story! I'll mention them in a chapter when the book is finished because, right now, I'm feeling lazy. Take care tho!

Word Count: 1072 Words

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя