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So basically it's like this- my friends saved me yet again, and Damon is kind of being a bit weird at the moment. But I'm not judging him since he's supposed to be dead and all. It's the little things. We had just 'escaped' from this towing yard in Chicago. Like, okay? Random much..? Anyway, Damon came with us and it was kind of awkward, like is he good or is he bad? For now we decided he could stay and I'd try to find some spell or something to help him. But he's pretty much acting like his old self.

Focusing on the scenery as we drove back to Mystic falls in the middle of the day was interesting. All of these humans going about their daily business and here I was, easily able to kill them all. Obviously I'm hungry.

My eyes widened as we sped past a familiar store and I practically ordered Klaus to stop the car, so we pulled over at the side of the road and I leaped out of the car, running at human speed to the store. 'Connie's Costumes' the sign read. I walked inside, bells jingling as the door opened and closed. I was browsing the store when a friendly looking woman came up to me.

"Hello dear, how may I help you today? Are you looking for anything in particular or just browsing?" She asked me with a smile, I swear this old lady was a freaking angel or something. Her eyes wrinkled as she smiled and she just seemed so nice!

I flashed her a quick sweet smile. "Yes actually, I was driving past here a couple of weeks ago when I saw a particular costume in your window display. I was just wondering if you still had the two person alpaca costume?"

"Oh deary I'm so sorry, that alpaca costume was purchased just two days ago and we only had the one. I could help you find something else though if you like?" She asked kindly. I fought back a frown, that was disappointing. I was really looking forward to making Shadow or Ash wear it with me... damn. Maybe even Kaden, if things aren't awkward between us now.

"Oh it's okay, I'll just browse around, thanks anyway." I started looking around at all of the different costumes. None of them were really what I was looking for, but I continued looking through rows upon rows of costumes since it was Halloween this week and I was planning to have a Halloween party at the boarding house again this year.

I flicked through the last section of outfits when my eyes landed on a suitable substitute for my alpaca costume. It was a black corset dress with red fringing that reached mid thigh at the front and down to my knees at the back. It came with a hat and a mask and had this cool cape attached to it with a stiff stick up collar. It was sort of a mix between a muskateer costume and zorro. Needless to say, it's mine.

"This one." I announced, holding out the costume. The sales lady looked at it and then at me with a nod of approval before taking it to the register.

"This will definitely suit you dear. You have the right body type for it and you're very pretty." I held back the rush of blood from my cheeks, not allowing myself to blush.

"Ha, thank you." I told her. I paid for the dress and said a quick goodbye to the lady before stepping out onto the street and seeing Klaus and Elijah sitting at a cafe a few stores down. They must've snuck out while I was searching the store. Klaus looked up and I held up the costume bag to say I'm done. Of course I could've just said it, he would've heard... but hey, I'm me and I don't think of this stuff.

Both of them stood up and walked back over to me, and we made casual conversation on the way home. By casual conversation I mean they kept begging me to let them kill Damon and I kept saying no.

When we pulled into the Original mansion's driveway I got straight out of the car with my bag and rushed inside, bumping into someone on the way and falling flat on my face. This seems to be happening a lot. I looked up to see Kaden, smirking down at me. Oh dear lord why is it always him?

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