Talking About Graves in Louisiana (Epilogue)

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It takes a few minutes for things to really settle in one's mind, to grasp the reality of a situation. Sometimes it can take longer; hours, days, weeks, months or even years.

For Marni, her death was something rather quick and easy to grasp. Of course, it was upsetting. She was dead for Christ's sake! But then again it was rather peaceful. One minute she'd been alive and fearing for Damon's life, the next she gave herself up and everything was black. Then she woke up where she could only assume was the Other Side. It was like the real world, only darker and less crowded.

Really Marni had no idea how long she'd been dead, time is different when you're dead. It's already confusing as hell when you're alive, but dying is a whole new playing field. It could be hours or days and feel like only minutes.

Assessing her surroundings, Marni determined that she had woken up out in the bayou and she was still in Louisiana. Her outfit was the same as the one she'd died in, and thankfully there had been no blood. That would be so depressing, to be stuck in a blood-stained outfit for the rest of eternity.

Marni began her march back to the French Quarter, more specifically the compound. She had to see if the others knew yet. Surprisingly she still had her vampire speed, and she was back at the Mikaelson residence in only a few minutes. The scene was about to become a grim one.

It seemed she had arrived just in time to see everyone's reactions. How better to know how someone felt about you than to witness their reaction to your death.

Nik had just looked up from a text on his phone, his face a picture of sorrow.

Your precious Marni is dead - A
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He knew who 'A' was, he himself had had his run in with her in the past after all. It had been Marni to save him, and he couldn't, no he didn't do the same for her. Tears sprung to the hybrid's eyes. His mind flashed back to when he'd first met his little Marni, and how she'd gotten him addicted to the annoying Angry Birds game. She had been a little sister to him, not just in a sentimental way either, she really was his family, his blood.

How was he supposed to let everyone else know. How would Rebekah and Kol react? How would Mia react? Her twin sister, literally a part of her would be missing. They had once been the same person, how was she supposed to handle the news that Marni had been killed?

Taking a deep breath, Nik called for his siblings and Mia to come to the parlour. A few minutes later, they were all gathered awaiting whatever news Nik deemed so important that they had to get back to the compound immediately.

"What is it you need, Niklaus? I was trying to find the young Claire witch to give her another page from mother's grimoire." Came Elijah's impatient voice. He hated being at his brother's beck and call, responding to his every whim, however he had to ensure that whatever news Niklaus had would not put Hayley and the baby in danger.

Kol wrapped his arm around Mia's shoulder and pulled her into him, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Yes and I was planning to take my lovely girlfriend out on a date in the Quarter." He informed them with a grin. He and Mia had only recently become official and he relished in the fact. Things were finally looking up for Kol Mikaelson.

"Oh be quiet you impatient arses. Marni's not here yet and whatever news our brother has, I'm sure he wants to wait until we are all here. That is what you said in your urgent and rather rude phone call, Nik, right?" Rebekah asked her brother.

Niklaus Mikaelson swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked away the tears building up in his eyes at the mention of Marni.

"Yes, I need to tell you all something. It's about Marni." Immediately, everyone else in the room stiffened and became more alert. Something was wrong, they could tell.

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