Dylan O'Brien In His Underwear

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I looked at Jeremy/Astrid and glared. Because glaring can get creepy on the receiving end, that much I remember. So I continued to glare until Jeremy's left eye twitched. It was funny. So of course I laughed. That's what you do when you find something funny. Duh, like who doesn't know that?

Astrid glared back at me through Jeremy's eyes, and I smiled sweetly at her, which seemed to be annoying. My specialty! I danced internally and imagined Dylan O'Brien dancing in his underwear, which only made me happier. Because, let's face it- everybody wants to see Dylan O'Brien's glorious body.

“Okay okay. Astrid, serious question. Do you like Dylan O'Brien? Answer truthfully here, lives depend on it.”

Astrid's face was a mixture of shock and confusion. And then slowly her creepy smile started to appear on her face, but it was lighter. And before I knew it we were fangirling together. It was probably the weirdest thing to happen to me since.... I don't even know. I've had way too many weird things happen to me.


Instead it went something like this.

“Who is Dylan O'Brien?” Astrid asked, and I felt like slapping her, or crying. Or both. Whatever.

“You can't just say 'who is Dylan O'Brien'. He is perfect. I can't even right now. I HAVE LOST MY ABILITY TO EVEN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?” I dramatically called, faking a little sob at the end. “No, but seriously how do you not know who Dylan O'Brien is? He's like tallish, brown hair, absolutely gorgeous and perfect, plays Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf, Thomas in The Maze Runner- ooh have you seen that yet? It is magnificent! When Dylan cried, I cried. No like seriously, I did. Not even kidding. I cried...”

“The Maze Runner, yes I have seen that. And Thomas, the main guy, that's Dylan O'Brien?” She asked.

Ah we're getting somewhere! “Yes!”

“Oh my gosh he is.. how do you people say it these days? HOT! With caps. I will marry that boy any day.”

“Well, me and my sister Mia, the one who looks like me, we came up with this great plan. We're gonna sneak into his house, as well as Tom Hiddleston's and Alex Pettyfer's, and steal them in the middle of the night. Then I'm going to compel them to love us. It's going to happen. I swear. I mean, I guess we can share?”

“Sounds like a plan Marni.” Astrid said. Now I take back all the kidding I did before, because we actually did fangirl and be all smiley and it was weird, it made me uncomfortable and I didn't like it. Make it stop.

I was still tied to the chair, not quite as bad as when Katherine nailed me to the chair that one time, because that sucked royally, but still. I was tied to a chair, and every time I moved it felt like every vein in my body was flowing with fire. Which, in case you were wondering, doesn't feel too good. Despite the pain, I twisted my hands a few times each way until the vervain soaked ropes loosened.

Focusing all the energy I had, I started muttering a spell under my breath. Yeah, Astrid said she blocked my powers or whatever, but obviously she sucked at magic because I could still feel it.

Suddenly Jeremy's body started to shudder, and his eyes went in and out of focus. Before I could blink, I could see confusion and Jeremy's eyes returned to their natural colour. He was free from Astrid.

“Marni?” Jeremy asked, confused. “What are you doing here? What am I doing here?”

I shushed him. “Sorry Jeremy, I can't answer your questions right now- I'm a little tied up. Get it?” I laughed at my own pun. “Plus we have about 5 seconds before Astrid comes through that door and kills us both. So...”

“Astrid? You mean the chick who killed Damon, Lexi, and your other friend?”

“Yes, the one and only.” We both turned towards the cold high voice that belonged to Astrid, and saw her strut through the door to the room. She cocked her head and looked at me. “I thought we had a moment Marni, we were going to make Dylan love us.. Oh well, I'm not very good at sharing anyway.” She laughed that annoying repetitive laugh of hers again. I swear if it doesn't change the next time I see her, I'm going to throw a frypan at her. I am 100% serious.

Astrid turned her head towards Jeremy. “Oh, and uh, Damon isn't dead. Just ask your friend Marni here.”

Jeremy turned to me, looking confused. Like, really confused. I sighed before saying “Yeah, he stole my grapes. Bastard. Could've gotten his own, but oh no, he has to steal mine. What is wrong with people these days? This is why I don't get nice things.”

I looked at Jeremy again, and he was still confused. A little bit amused, mostly confused. And that rhymed. I am a genius.

“Ok brief recap. Damon died. Damon un-died. Tada the end.” Jeremy still looked confused. “Seriously? Ok, So Astrid here, ripped his heart out. Then using some dark witchy juju she somehow brought him back to life. Now he's got red eyes, which isn't attractive by the way- not like in Twilight. Oh and he's evil, which he proved by stealing my grapes.” I turned to Astrid now. “Next time you see him, can you tell him he owes me? Kay thanks.”

“So.. Damon's alive, but he's evil?” Jeremy asked stupidly. This boy is slow.

“Yes Jeremy, top of the class but don't take your books you won't be there for long” I cracked up laughing.

“Holy wow! BAM! Jeremy has now been sassed by Siri and Astrid! This is fab! Wow. Just-” I cut myself off with another round of laughter. I don't even know why I was laughing so hard, but when Astrid said that, I just lost it. Like seriously, I cannot find it anywhere and now I feel like singing One Direction's 'one thing' so I can find it.

“You're so weird.” Jeremy said with a laugh. I find it really funny how we're all just laughing while I'm being held hostage, my captor is casually sassing out Jeremy who is just standing there looking hurt. We're not even trying to find a way to escape. Maybe I am weird. If anyone looked at us they could think we were really good friends.

“Wait Astrid, the Supernatural writers have proved to me plenty of times that evil people can become good, can Damon ever be his old self again, and not dead?” I asked curiously. Like seriously Supernatural is basically my life, I can't even.

“Well yeah I guess, I mean he just has to want to. To be able to find some piece of his humanity. Then he will be perfectly fine.”

I internally fist-pumped, because I can. Don't judge me.

“But that's not going to happen. I like the disease.”


Another short one. I swear I'm not living up to my promises and I am a terrible person. Like seriously. Ok, a few things:

Did any SPN fans notice what I did there with the 'I like the disease' thing? Yeah I know. SEASON 10 OMG! New episode is airing in Australia in like 2 hours and I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!

Ok in other news, I graduate in 3 weeks, yay! Today I officially finished science for the rest of my schooling! Had to do a speech on drugs though and it sucked.

So I thought of you guys this morning. I was about to leave for school when my dad pointed out that I wasn't wearing shoes and I was like “so?”. And he said that it's not acceptable for a civilised town. I was like “Dad, this is Gympie. Get real.” In the end I ended up wearing shoes but only because I go to a private school and they'd probs make me wear a stinky pair of their used shoes if I didn't wear my own. The entire situation reminded me of when Marni wasn't wearing shoes and was like 'ever heard of Gympie?' because yeah that's where Dark-Violet (the original writer) and I both live. Good times.

So sorry for the thing and stuff, and I understand if you hate me. But pls don't.

Anyway I have another 4 assignments to finish before this friday and a new episode of Supernatural to watch.

ILY guys, bye bye!

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