Can You Not?

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Damon's here, great! Or not, I don't really know right now, his humanity's all bipolar... Like can you not? I turned around to face the red eyed evil hottie with a body and was extremely creeped out to find his face mere inches from my own.

"Woah dude! Back the firetruck up! I mean yeah we used to date but that was before you stole my grapes. I mean I could've gotten over the dying and turning evil, but stealing grapes? Now that is crossing the line and I just can't look at you the same way. Also, with the Supernatural reference? Can you not? You're destroying my show and I will not forgive you if I never look at Jensen Ackles the same way again!

Okay I think I'm good now. But seriously, back up. You're in my bubble. This is my bubble of hatred and annoyance and privacy and when you enter my bubble you are then at the top of my list for Christmas presents. And by Christmas presents I mean sulphuric acid disguised as face wash. You're welcome!" I sucked in a huge breath, finally giving my lungs what they so desperately needed. I had only taken one breath throughout my entire rant and that's probably not good for my health...

Damon and Astrid were silently laughing at me, while Jeremy was looking at me like I'd grown another head.. Not a good sign. I let out a frustrated groan of annoyance, and flicked my palm out in Damon and Astrid's general direction. Both of them flew back and hit the dark stone wall. Ouch.

To be honest I was a bit surprised I'd managed to get Astrid like that, I thought she was more powerful than me... But BAM! Here I am being all skillful and kicking her ass with my witchy juju. I noticed a slight twitch from Astrid's hand and all of a sudden my senses were on overdrive.

My nose was filled with the scent of fresh blood; my throat felt as if it was on fire; my eyes zeroed in on Jeremy, his right hand desperately clutching at his jugular, which was gushing fresh blood. While I felt my face change and go all vampire, my mind was fighting it.

No Marni!

Not good Marni!

Jeremy is your friend, help him!

Help him, not yourself!

If you drink his blood I will stab you in the eye with a vervain soaked fork!

Okay, conscience, that last one might be a little bit too much. I mean come on, you can't seriously want to risk this face for one human boy, no matter who he is.

Mind over matter, or whatever it is. Anyway, basically my mind won, and I took deep breaths through my mouth, tasting the salty aroma of Jeremy's blood through the air, making my mouth water. But no, I calmed myself down enough to change my face back to normal and spun to face Astrid.

"You, are a world class bitch with a capital B!" I told her menacingly. "I will rip your throat out. Seriously. Keep it classy please, bleeding best friend not appreciated!"

I walked hesitantly up to Jeremy, keeping control of my thirst and bit into the flesh of my wrist before pressing it to his lips and forcing him to drink. I watched as the blood flow slowed down to a stop and the wound cleared up, and then waited a further minute before risking to breathe through my nose again.

Jeremy breathed out in relief, "Thanks" he huffed. I smiled a quick 'welcome'  and refocused on Astrid.

So, tempting me with blood is her offense, huh. Especially th blood of one of my best friends? Well, too bad for her but I've been a witch for much longer than I've been a vampire, so I have a stronger relationship with my magic and nature rather than my vampiric bloodlust.

"Hey, I don't care who the hell you think you are, how old you are, or even what the bloody hell you are, but don't, not even for one second, don't you dare even think about hurting another one of my friends! Or I WILL kill you. Painfully. And it will involve a Witch Hazel and Ellswood soaked rusty fork being stabbed into your eye." Yes, I actually said that. Don't judge me, I get violent okay? I'm a psycopath, we all have our flaws.

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