Alpacas Are People Too

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Chapter Two

So Astrid thought it would be fun to kidnap Damon, huh? That it would be all fine and dandy after killing two of my closest friends already? How very, very wrong she was. After receiving that disturbing call from Stefan, I had packed up all of my things and threw them into the back of my Mustang, before flooring it all the way back to Mystic Falls. Admittedly, I was getting quite a few stares when I entered the 'city limit'. Mystic Falls is hardly what I would call a city. I was doing at least twice the legal speed limit, so I halved my travel time. Woo, go Marni!

When I pulled into the Salvatore Boarding House, I found pretty much the whole gang having a very intense meeting in the parlour. Stefan, Mia and Shadow were sitting on random chairs, while Ash, Elena, Jeremy, Tyler, Emma, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and ugh Bonnie were all standing around the room. Alaric had to go to Jenna's for an emegency or something. Wasn't this an emergency? I thought it was 'bros before hoes', not that Jenna's a hoe, she's actually a very lovely person. But the point still stands. Alaric is no longer my best bro!"Hey, I was just wondering if I left my pink princess toothbrush here? I ended up having to buy a new one, and it's just not the same, you feel?" I said with a sigh.

The humans all snapped their heads up at my presence, while it seemed the vampires.. and the werewolf...and the hybrids, all seemed to already be aware that my awesomeness had arrived once more.

"You came! Thank god!" Emma squealed happily while jumping up to hug me. Like, she actually squealed... I laughed at her and hugged back.

"Yeah I figured you guys would probably need me to come up with an insanely epic plan, yet again saving someone's ass. In this case it's Damon's." My eyes formed an unconscious glare when I thought about our current situation again. "So, do we know where that bitch is keeping him yet?"

"She left a note, saying she was at that same place as last time, but then Ash said she burned the place down? So no, not really." Mia told me. I sighed, thinking. Last time I'd seen Astrid she'd killed Lexi and Ellie, and I am so NOT cool with that. And now she has Damon. But she burned down that old tea factory place. So, what did she mean when she said 'same place as last time?'

"Well, I think it's obvious she's going to be somewhere in Michigan, so let's start there." I announced, standing up and heading towards the door.

"Marni, this is dangerous. We need a plan." Stefan said seriously, appearing in front of me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I have a plan Stefan- kill Astrid, get Damon back. Period. The end."


"No, I believe my little sister might be right about this one. It's 11 of us against 1 of her. I like our chances." Kol interrupted, also appearing next to me.

"But-" Elena started. I gave her a flat look. The flattest look I've ever given anyone. Ever.

"Humans aren't coming Elena- way too dangerous. Think about this for a second will you. If we were to let you come, you'd probably get either captured or killed, distracting us from our primary goal of killing the witch bitch. Just stay here with Jeremy and we'll be back before you guys even know it. Besides, like Kol said, it's 11 against 1." I told her. She looked like she wanted to argue, but apparently thought better of it, nodded, and went back into the parlour.

"12" I spun around to the front door and saw my favourite person in the world.

"Elijah!" I yelled happily, running up and pulling him into a hug. "I've missed you, where have you been? Don't tell me you were chasing people with socks or kidnapping a goat. That is my job Elijah. Mine." I told him with an eye twitch. He just looked amused and hugged me back.

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