Well I Ain't Callin' You A Truther!

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Flash forward three hours and the party is winding down and I've ended up in Kaden's arms once more. We'd been talking about the breakup and how much of a dick Damon is. It's really very therapeutic.

"Be careful Marni, this one's had his eye on you for quite a while now. He should learn to back off of someone else's girl." I heard a voice say. It was clear who the person was on the other side of the ballroom, and that they had a death wish.

I let go of Kaden, who had clearly heard as well, and was glaring in the direction it came from. I took a deep breath to calm myself before turning around and stalking over to the owner with a stony expression.

"Damon Salvatore you were uninvited from this party, my presence and my life. If you don't leave now, you will be forcibly removed." I growled at him. I was only about three feet from him when I was joined by my family.

Elijah spoke first. "Yes, I do believe I warned you that I would rip out your spleen if you came near Amarnia again. Do you wish to be without your spleen, Mr Salvatore?" He asked. To Damon's credit, he held his composure even after the threat, and the rest of the family's deathly glares.

It was Mia that broke him, maybe it was because she's my identical twin or maybe just because she's plain scary.

"Ok Salvatore, you have till the count of three to leave this party or else I will do a hell of a lot more than rip out your spleen", she warned in a low demanding voice.

He sighed and opened his mouth to speak to me, only to close it again when he sees the hard glare on my face. "I'm sorry" he says, and I almost believe it. I'd have believed it if he hadn't been after Elena since the start. It was always the Petrova doppelgänger that Damon fancied. Never his lowly best friend from another time. Not really.

When Damon noticed that I wasn't about to forgive him any time soon he turned around and walked right back out the front door.

"About time someone took out the trash", Kol jeered, following Damon with his eyes, before turning to face the rest of the room. "Now, this is a party, is it not? So let's get drunk."

And that's all I remember to be quite honest with you. I get flashes here and there of shots being passed to me and I see Kaden and Shadow's faces a few times, but that's it.

None of that explains how I ended up here in this position though, unless we just blame it all on the alcohol. Which wouldn't be that much of a stretch. You see, right at this very moment I'm in a bed. A bed that does not belong to me with a man that I am very much not in a relationship with and I am totally stark naked. Raise your hand if you'd like to see a Stark naked though, am I right? Anyway. I know what you're thinking and no, I am not in bed with Damon. Or Kaden or Shadow or even Ace. I am in bed with my best friend. The other half of Mefan. Yes, I do mean Stefan if you couldn't figure that out. And to make matters worse we're at the Boarding House. And Damon is standing in the doorway right now fuming.

Why can't the ground just open up and swallow me whole?

"Would you mind explaining what's going on here, Marni?"

"Not really." I say simply, trying to act like his presence wasn't affecting me at all. Especially in this situation.

"Ok well consider this me not giving you the option. Explain. Now." He demanded looking between his little brother and I.

"I don't answer to you Damon. This really doesn't concern you."

He scoffed in disbelief. "Not my concern? I'm pretty sure it's my concern when I find my little brother in bed with the girl I love."

I laugh like he's Carl Barron or something. "You probably got used to that when Stefan was dating Elena." I look over to my bed partner who was awfully quiet. "Sorry Stef," I apologise, knowing that the doppelbitch is still a sore spot for him.

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