My Mouth Does it Better

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Chapter 10 2/2


The lights were still on but he looked so peaceful in slumber.

It was times like this that Tharn felt his breath stop, as if the world suddenly stood on standstill and all he could do was look at the soft, rested planes of Types face. His eyes closed, his eye lashes fanned out on his cheeks and the gentle purr of his snoring told Tharn that the nightmares were at bay.

He did the right thing.

It was a little past 10:30 in the evening when the activities at the Conservatory of Music ended for the freshmen of the Music Faculty and while most of his friends were out celebrating, he chose to go directly back to the dormitory. He could still remember Lhong's enthusiasm while they were walking along the university's hallway.

"Where do you want to eat and celebrate?" his best friend had a gleam in his eyes, as usual, "Time to let loose after all the preparations we've been having, its finally over. We can finally try to talk about reforming the band."

"Nah," Tharn shook his head, a smile forming on his handsome face, "I think I would rather head back to the dorm. I'm beat," he added lamely.

Lhong peered on his face, a curious expression flashing across his eyes.

"You are smiling," the confused young man stated, "You are not telling me something."

"What are you talking about Lhong," Tharn chuckled, "You know almost everything there is to know about me, you would be the first to know if there was anything. I just want to go back and take a much-needed rest," Tharn waved Lhong's observation off, knowing that he was indeed feeling good about himself and he could not wait to get back to the dormitory to see the object of his giddiness. For some reason, he just thought it was not the right time to tell his best friend anything about Type; not when he was unsure himself what was happening. All he knew was that the chasm that was between him and his roommate was slowly closing as if a bridge was forming between them and it was impossible to disregard the connection.

As he gazed at Type's sleeping figure, he knew he made the right decision. Just seeing Type's unstrained face was enough to complete his day. It was not often that he could look at his roommate's face devoid of lines and sharp, edged expression but in sleep, he looked years younger. Almost childlike that needed a kiss goodnight.

Tharn hesitated, not wanting to disturb Type. He was now sure that his roommate knew what he was doing every night whilst he slept. At first, Tharn was not a hundred percent sure that Type knew but there were some changes in the way he slept that confirmed Tharn's suspicion.

Since his illness, when the drummer tried to comfort Type as he slept - no matter how gentle he caressed his face or stroked his hair to lull him into a deep and undisturbed sleep, the football player would thrash and become restless; growling and mumbling complains at Tharn's attention. That's when he knew that Type was fast asleep.

But the past few days, the football player had been still. Eyes almost visibly forced closed even while his breathing was deep and it looked like he was fast asleep. But his body was motionless like a corpse. He was obviously faking sleep, allowing Tharn to touch his face, his hair and what's more, he did not say anything about it the next day.

Tharn felt it was progress.

He gazed longingly at the prone figure of Type in bed. His head was pressed on the pillow, one of his hands hidden beneath his head, the other clutched at the pillow like a life line. Tharn's breath caught in his throat. He felt a stirring within himself. He didn't know how much further their relationship could grow – if it was even a relationship. If he was being honest to himself, it was more of a ceasefire of sorts, one akin to a bow that was pulled at its most taut and he was not really sure when the string would be let go and the arrow that was nocked would be let loose. He already felt it too late though – he knew the arrow has somehow pierced his heart.

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