To Keep a Straight Face

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It was daytime.

As usual, Tharn was half-lying on his bed. His back to the headboard, knees bent as his fingers thumbed with the beat blaring on the headset that covered his ears. It was almost mundane except for the other young man that was sitting on his side of the room, his face a mask of fury and his hands gripped into fists.

It irritated him to see Tharn looking like there was nothing going on. It bit at him like a pin hidden among his sheets and forever giving him jolts of annoyance. What was worst was that the drummer was acting like nothing happened at all. That there was no problem with them staying together in a room even though Type was starting to feel as if there were bugs and insects crawling beneath his skin.

"Hey asshole!" Type suddenly screamed, standing up in anger and facing the unfazed Tharn who looked at him with disdain, stretched his arms behind his head and closed his eyes as he continued to listen to the music that Type could not hear.

"GET OUT! FUCK YOU! I SAID, I WANT YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Type shouted, kicking at the edge of the bed to get the other man's attention.

Tharn just turned his back and faced the other side. Only to make the already fuming Type to step forward and grab at the headset that was fixed on his roommate's head. "STAND UP AND FUCKING TALK TO ME! YOU FILTHY GAY SHIT!"

Tharn looked at the red faced homophone in front of him and simply smiled driving Type to be on the very edge of his control. In frustration, he threw the headset directly towards Tharn's face.


"Type!" Tharn exclaimed as the plastic and rubber headset hit him by the jaw. "...the fuck!"


The words were flung word for word. To Tharn, it somehow felt like physical blows that continued to hit at him like the headset but he tried to keep a straight face.

"I am not leaving this room, I did not do anything to you!"

"No yet but what about the future? I don't trust gays... I know people like you... YOU WANT TO FUCK ANY HOLE THERE IS!"

That was the last straw as Type felt strong hands grab at his collar pulling him forward.

"Hey! Tharn, what are you doing?" he screamed as he toppled on top of his hated roommate.

"Fuck you! Arggg... fuck you! Let go of me!" Type struggled to get out of the compromising situation he was in. Tharn who was undeniably strong, his face only a few inches from the grinning face of his adversary, held both his wrists. He could not move except to uselessly kick his legs in the air behind him, it only allowed for his shirt to hike up, until his abs were pressed on the body that he hated so much.

"Let me go!!!" Type continued to scream. "THARN!!! Get away from me!"

But the struggling young man could only see a devious spark inside the man that was holding him tightly. He could not get away, his heart was struggling to leap off his chest as his body went rigid and tensed. He could feel beads of cold sweat on his brows and his throat is constricting. Suddenly, Tharn flipped him over until he was on his back on the bed, Tharn, straddling him on his waist.

There was an almost evil grin on the music major's face as he raised both wrists he had in his hand and pinned it over Type's head. Type was trapped. He could not even make a move as Tharn's leg's clipped both his struggling one's to his body. He could not believe that his roommate was this strong. Especially for a gay guy. He was scared.

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!" Type screamed at the top of his voice. His voice cracking in his fear as he could see Tharn's face move inches lower until it was too close for comfort. He knew he was about to be kissed by the overly handsome gay young man that made him cringe at the very thought of even just his existence.

"So, you hate me this much?" Tharn's voice was a rumble in his throat. Type could feel his warm fragrant breath with each word spoken barely a few inches from his own, "Maybe, I should make you my wife!"

"NO!!!!! THARN!!!! GET OFF ME!!! CREEP!!!" Type thrashed, using all his strength until he was finally able to get a grip on the sheets of Tharn's bed, he grunted and used everything in him just to get out of Tharn's web until he was able to budge an inch, and an inch further and with a scream, pushed with all his might and fell...

"Argghhh... Ouch!" Type yelled out loud, he was finally out of Tharn's grip, throwing punches in the air and hitting on nothing. He could still feel the warmth that enveloped his body, he could still feel wrapped and trapped; so he continued screaming.

"What a baby... still falling off the bed," an amused voice said in disdain.

Type stopped. Frozen on the floor, his backside hurting where it hit the hard floor. He looked up to see the contempt in the eyes of Tharn, already in school uniform and about to open the door.

"It was a dream. It was a fucking dream," the young man on the floor thought as he tried to get up only to fall back with a thud. He was all wrapped up in tangled sheets from where he must have trashed on his bed. He remembered he could not sleep the night before because he kept glancing surreptitiously at the peacefully sleeping drumming on the other bed, afraid that he would be raped in his sleep. Instead, he had a nightmare.

"Fuck you Tharn!"

"Well, fuck you too Type and see you tonight roommate." was the last thing he heard before the room to the dormitory slammed shut as he screamed in frustration.

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