No, I Don't Want to Change Rooms Anymore

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The late night drinking session was taking its toll.

Techno felt as if every sound inside the Sports Science Building, currently bustling with boys, was made specifically to torture him. Everything sounded magnified. Like each decibel was echoing inside his head. He knew he had some degree of hangover.

He yawned. But suddenly felt the hairs at the back of his head bristle. A queer feeling as if someone was looking at him from behind. He turned and his lethargy disappeared as he quickly stood from where he was seated and ran.

"Come back here," Type's angry voice echoed, "Come back here you loser of a friend. This is all because of you."

But Techno was not listening. He saw the fury in Type's face. He knew his friend could be unreasonable, especially when he really don't know what happened last night after he left.

"I didn't do anything," Techno shouted back, his feet still running on instinct. "Whatever happened to you, I swear, I don't have anything to do with it."

"You're supposed to be my friend," Type was in pursuit, he could easily run faster than Techno but he was not that much in a hurry, "You left me alone with him and do you know what happened?"

Techno's brain forced his legs to stop. He stood frozen on the spot and slowly turned.

"Don't tell me you were..." Techno said, his voice tentative, his eyes looking at Type's face and travelled down towards his crotch.

"You ass, shut up!"

"Damn, err... it's not my damn fault, you wouldn't get off his bed."

"What? I climbed into Tharn's bed?" Type hissed, his words clipped and spoken through his teeth. He could not believe what he was hearing. Tharn was saying the truth after all.

"Yes, you spread yourself on his bed and wouldn't get out of it," Type explained, "I tried to shake you awake to have to transfer to your own bed but you were mumbling that you wanted to sleep there. So, its not my fault at all. It was almost time for the dorms to be closing and if I stayed longer, I couldn't get out and my mom would have my ass. It's not my fault that it was your ass that got something coming. What was wrong with you, you knew you were spending the night in the same room and you got yourself drunk as an alcoholic."


"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" Techno exclaimed, rubbing his head where Type's strike hit.

"You're my best friend," Type said, "You're supposed to not leave me in situations like that so you're still at fault. Look what happened to me!"

"You ... errr... you were cornholed?" Techno asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course not," Type squealed, his voice rising an octave. "No!"

"But, how is that possible?" Techno said, a slight disappointment evident in his voice.

Type looked at Techno. His friend was thinking. He really did not want to know what Techno had running in his mind right now but it got him agitated.

"Shut up," Type snapped, "I'm ok, no thanks to you. When I say I'm ok, then I'm okay," he continued, trying to convince himself that everything was alright more than addressing Techno's concern.

"Are you certain," Techno asked, he noticed that Type's face was pale.


"Well damn," Techno exclaimed and sighed, "The dude is really quite a gentleman then."

"Oh shut the hell up!" Type yelled.

"Well, think about it and be reasonable," Techno spoke, "I was kinda hesitant about leaving you but he knew I was running late then he told me that he will never do anything to someone who was drunk as a dead man. I almost didn't believe him, but then, he really didn't do anything to you so I believe he deserves my compliment."

Type's face grew from white to red. He tightened both his fist in anger.

"That, fucking queer..."

"Hey, he didn't do anything to you... he restrained himself and that's good enough for now even though from what hell you've been raising against him the past days, you definitely deserve to be made a jack-ass out of."

"Idiot!" Type cried out, "Doesn't your brain get it? He told you that to boast that he could get anyone on his bed without forcing them. If he had his way with me last night, that means I agreed to sleep with him. I initiated the first move."

"But you did initiate the move," Techno interjected, "You were the one who climbed on his bed on your own."

"Say that again," Type growled, his fists ready.


"I said, say that again and I swear Ai'No, there will be blood on the floor in about a second."

Techno blanched. He could see that Type was fuming. He might be his best friend but at that moment, he was so mad that his face was crimson.

"Errrr... I take it back..." Techno said, he knew he had to take Type's mind off the topic and luckily he knew just how. "Actually, I have great news for you."

"News that I won't be seeing Tharn's face again?"

"Something like that," Techno said, looking around the hallway and spying who he was looking for a ways off, "Hey, Champ! Come on here for a second," waving their friend to come closer.


"I finally found someone to switch rooms with you," Techno beamed as Champ came closer and joined them.


Type was silent.

"Ai'Type, is anything wrong?" Champ asked as soon came closer, "I saw you chasing down Techno earlier and was thinking what did he do this time?" There was amusement in Champ's eyes, everyone knew Techno was a bit goofy when the mood hit him, and it was often.

"Oh, that's because he didn't do anything." Techno couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"The fuck Ai'No," Type growled.

"Oppps...." Techno fumbled to change the topic really fast, "Well, you told me to look for someone to switch rooms with you and I just got confirmation that someone is willing. He's one of Champ's friend and so your problem is solved," he added, a proud smile on his face.

Champ nodded and added, "I wanted to switch too before, well, not because my roommate was a creep or anything like that but he is a medical student and his hours are totally weird so I couldn't sleep with the lights going on and off anytime during the night so I though switching rooms was cool and he is willing to switch rooms with you. All we have to do is go to the dorm management office with him and everything will be set."

"But I don't want to switch rooms anymore." Type said.

"You what?" Techno exclaimed. He was looking at his friend as if he suddenly grew another head on his shoulder.

"I said, I don't want to change rooms anymore." Type said once more, his voice firm.

Champ just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, if you ever change your mind again, just tell me and we will fill in the forms,"

But Type had a look on his face Techno was confused. He made so much effort to find someone willing to swap rooms with Type but apparently, it was not longer needed --- nor wanted. He was suddenly curious, just what happened after he left last night?

"Thank you anyway Champ, "Type said, there was a hard edge to his voice, "Sorry to have bothered you." He added, a forced smile on his lips.

"That's okay,"Champ replied, clearly baffled, "Anyway, I have to go, be seeing you both."

As Champ went away Techno looked at Type's face.

"You didn't just do that," Techno finally said, "Why did you suddenly change your mind all of a sudden?"

Type looked at his friend's confused face.

"Thanks to you," he said, "But I have to get back at Tharn first. He has to pay and if I leave it means I lost. He will be the one leaving that room!"

"Damn," Techno swore, "But you're putting your butt on the line."

But Type did not hear him. His eyes were dazed, thinking about some grand master plan to hurt and make Tharn pay for what he was feeling.

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