Let Me Give You a HAND (Part 2/2)

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(Chapter 6 Part 2/2 of the Novel)

Tharn was flabbergasted. From where he was on the floor, his back aching from where it hit the hard floor, he looked at Type's face. He could not really decipher if the look was that of anger or that of pure embarrassment but the pain on his abdominals was too real to be a dream.

The Type who was staring at him with disgust was a different Type from the one who was clinging on to him a moment before.

"You're despicable." The young man on the bed seethed.

Tharn's eyes became slits. In mock salute, he raised his hand, still dripping with cum and smirked, "Well, I feel fabulous. And I have evidence...a lot of evidence...that I just got you off. You should thank me!"

"Go to hell!" Type screamed, embarrassed at seeing his semen on the other's hand.

"Seems to me that it's not me who can't control his urges," Tharn mocked, "The other night you climbed on my bed, now this! Seems to me that a gay guy can have more control over the situation than a sniveling brat like you." Tharn was purposely pushing on Type's buttons; he wanted to trigger a reaction. At the back of his head, he could still remember the fear and the confused desire in his roommate's face. But Type's vulnerability was also all too real, he wanted to know. He wanted to know so badly what was making Type be this hateful.

"THE HELL I CARE!" Type's voice broke as he screamed, tears once more brimming on his eyes in suppressed anger.

"Pity," Tharn gently said, picking himself up from the floor and walking towards the door. He could still hear the girl's moans from the porn video that was still playing on Type's phone but he didn't care. He wanted to get out of there. He wanted to clear his mind. His thoughts were a tumultuous conflict of emotions and despair.

Tharn went directly to the communal bathroom down the hallway. His hands were still sticky with cum and the guilt feeling he had earlier before he was again triggered by Type was coming back in floods.

Thankfully there was no one in the bathroom. Most of the rooms had their own baths but there was a public shower room at the end of each hall. They were not used much, especially at night but dorm occupants were almost always there in the mornings before classes when they were unlucky enough to wake up with their roommate already in their bathrooms first.

He opened the faucet to the sink and watched the cum from his hands run with the water and straight down the drain. He felt dirty. He looked at himself in the mirror while the water still run and he almost gasped. There were dark circles under his eyes, not from lack of sleep. But from stress. And his eyes had a haunted look in them. it was like he was looking at a stranger.

Tharn was not feeling so good about himself. Type insulting his parents was not a valid enough reason for what he did. Again, he let his anger take hold of him and his frustration just led Type to cry.

He totally deserved being kicked.

But still, alone and in the dim and cold confines of the bathroom, Tharn felt something that he should not be feeling at all. He was being pushed to do something. Whether it was his subconscious or his conscience talking and making him feel that way was beyond him. All he knew was that he was entirely convinced that he had to protect Type.

From whatever it was.

Be it from the pain that lies behind his suppressed sobs or even from Tharn himself.

Still, he could not help but remember that for a time there, Type clung to him and did not want to let go.

"Damn it," Tharn swore, "What the fuck is wrong with him?"

His abs hurt. Turning off the faucet, he dried his hands from a paper towel and lifted his shirt up. There was a darkening bruise where Type kicked him. He couldn't do anything about it, knowing that it will soon become purple.

He dropped the shirt and fished his phone from his pants, dialing a number. He knew it was a terrible idea to go back to their room now. He had to clear his head first.

"Hello," he said when the person he was calling picked up,"Longh, still near the campus dorm area? I'm coming out, want to grab some food with me?...Okay...see you in a bit."

Tharn looked at himself in the mirror once more. What stared back at him had a haunted look on his face.

"Type, I don't need to feel sorry for a guy like you. But, I can't help it. Somehow, I feel that we are not that much different!"

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