Let Me Give You a HAND (Part 1/2)

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(Chapter 6 Part 1/2 of the Novel)

Time froze inside the room.

Type was screaming in his head. But his body could not do anything. He remained as he was for a few moments before he grabbed at the comforter and covered himself. His eyes were locked on Tharn who was standing and looking down at him. Type was both shocked and embarrassed at the same time.

There was no denying it. Tharn, the gay guy he had been trying his utmost to scare aware was witness to probably one of the most vulnerable of any situation for a young man. And he had seen his hardened dick... up close.

Tharn could sense the obvious embarrassment of his roommate. Who wouldn't be embarrassed in that situation. But he could not help the smirk that grew on his face.

"Pervert, " Type screamed, "What the fuck are you laughing at?" he could not believe it, it was the first time anybody has seen him masturbating and a double whammy it was to be found out by the last person he wanted to see in the first place. He'd heard tales of teenaged boys being walked in on by their mothers or siblings but there he was, red-faced and sweating, jacking off in front of the gay guy.

"What are you looking at, prick?" Type swore.

"That is exactly what I was looking at." Tharn replied, his voice teasing Type into madness.

"Get the fuck out of the room!"

"What did you say?" Tharn asked in mock surprise, "Don't you remember I pay half of the rent to this very room." His eyes became slits, "I thought you abhorred me, clearly, you can't keep your pants on and with what I have seen, something is very excited in this room. Hmmmm, probably...you desire me after all." Tharn jokingly added.

"You dirty faggot," Type snarled, his embarrassment getting the better of him, "Mother fucker! You disgust me in ways you cannot even imagine. Even the air in the room smell stale every time you walk in. You are a filthy piece of crap and I don't understand why there are humans like you who want to fuck men like yourselves. You must be a problem child!"


Tharn was stunned.

"You're are abandoned! I am right, aren't I? Your parents haven't showed you love so you fuck around with men. You are just like shit. That's why you mess around with assholes. It must be genetics. So, is your dad also a fag..."

Type was not able to finish what he was rambling about. Tharn was on top of him in a split second; one moment, he was standing up, glowering down on Type, the next, he was on him, his hands digging on the startled Type's shoulders as he pushed him back on the head board.


Type was dumb struck. He was fuming and embarrassed and his mouth just spew those words without his mind thinking about them. He knew he made a huge blunder in saying those insults but he could not say anything. He was pinned on the bed, Tharn's face just mere inches from his own.

"Enough," Tharn roared, "I have had enough of your tricks!" and suddenly grabbed Type still erect penis.

"Wha... hey, let go of me," Type cried out, the sensation was foreign to him, "Let go of it you son of a bitch."

"Don't you dare kick me because if you do, I will pull this twitching thing in my hand with all the strength I have and I don't think you would like that."

Tharn's voice was filled with anger. His face distorted in a mask so grotesque that Type could almost not recognize him. Gone were the soft and handsome features of his roommate. Instead, the man on top of him was someone else.

"Let go." Type squealed in a trembling voice.

"Why would I do that?" there was neither lust nor excitement in Tharn's eyes, only unbridled anger. His thumb slid at the tip of Type's increasingly hardening cock in his hand, pre cum oozed uncontrollably.

Type was conflicted, he was afraid, some distant memory was surfacing but his dick was having a mind of its own. It was getting excited.

The icy tension in the room escalated and burned. It was suddenly so hot that both boys were sweating. But Tharn's face was cold and statue-like. Only his hands moved. And Type was hyperventilating.

"Let go... please... I'm sorry... please... let go."

"No," Tharn was unrelenting, he was seeing red. He was mad at the insults, if it was only him, he would have let to gone past but hearing his parents become part of such a homophobic and hate ridden exchange was too much.

Type was starting to feel fear. His heart was racing too fast but he could also literally hear Tharn's heartbeat as his hands played with what was in his hand. Type could not understand, he should be repulsed but his cock was hardening in ways that he couldn't understand.

"Please," Type pleaded, "Please, I am sorry... please."

And without notice, tears started to flow from his eyes and down his cheeks. His hands that he willed to push Tharn away, traitorously grabbed on at the drummer's shirt and hang on.

In Type's mind, flashbacks were coming in bursts of rapid scenes.

"Please, ... Let me go... I am so so scared ... Help me... Make him stop."

"Where is the arrogance now, brat?" Tharn said, but his voice was calmer, he was seeing Type's tears and the genuine fear and confusion that was flashing across Type's tear streaked face.

Tharn could no longer take it. He was seeing Type so vulnerable but he could feel his fingers digging into his shirt. His angry movement on his roommate's dick became more gentle, and Type moaned.

"Shhh," Tharn whispered.

"Please... argghhh," Type was trapped between desire and panic. "Please, I'm sorry." But his hands tightened their grip on the other man's shirt, his hips meeting each thrust of Tharn's hand.

"Just relax," Tharn whispered, "I'll get you to release. It'll be alright."

Type looked at Tharn. What was angry moments ago was awash with gentleness and concern. His hands were gentle and made all the right moves. Tharn's fingers were warm, and the grip firm but the sensation was something Type have not had the pleasure of experiencing before. He was overwhelmed.

He looked at his cock in Tharn's hand. He couldn't make himself stop the other young man. He was feeling strange but not the strangeness or disgust that he thought he would. But at the back of his mind, he kept hearing a different voice.

"Boy, its gonna be alright."

"Ahhhh... Urgggg...." Type continued to moan and meet each action from Tharn's hand. He could not find the words to say anything.

"Yes,"Tharn leaned closer and whispered in his ear. Type could feel goosebumps travelling all over his body, "Shhhh... It's gonna be alright Type... I am not hurting you!"

Tharn's hand went up and down faster and faster... Type's heart rate increased as he succumbed to the sensation and groaned in release.

"Ahhhh...." His cum spurting all over Tharn's hand and some even on his shirt.

Type was spent. He could not believe he did not push Tharn away. He could not believe he felt good.

And then he remembered Tharn was gay.

The kick came from nowhere. But it hit right dead center of Tharn's stomach sending him sprawing on the hard floor.

"I hate you," Type snarled, "You are a good for nothing piece of shit.... Faggot!"

...to be continued

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