Lube, Condoms, Alcohol & Porn (Part 2/3)

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The pale skinned, Chinese-looking, Science freshman looked at the array of alcohol on the table through black-rimmed glasses. Oam was thirsty and he could not help but be impatient as the other three young men with him were busy fixing the table with chips, mixers and glasses.

"Dude, how long must I wait before I get a shot?" he complained, looking at the owner of the room, who was standing with a smirk on his face.

"Well Ai'Oam if you were helping us getting everything ready," Type looked up from where he was mixing the drink and glared at his friend since high school. Grumbling, Oam sat by the table and helped, eyeing the alcohol with greedy eyes.

"Ummm, Type, are you sure this is alright?" Team, the other boy with them, looked towards the resident of the room; he knew that their friend was staying with a Music Faculty student and he could not help but notice that the room was obviously divided into two separate spaces. You could almost see an invisible glass partition where Type's space was located compared to the very organized space that must be the roommate's.

Techno froze and looked towards Type, but all he could see was a grin, slowly spreading across Type's face. The glint in his eyes was devious. If only the other two guys knew what they were helping Type with.

"Nah," Type replied with a smile, "Tharn is cool, he wouldn't mind at all."

Techno shook his head, Type was downright sarcastic but the other two boys could only think about the alcohol that was promised them and they were acting like they were back in high school. They all were friends back then and alcohol always meant party. Techno could not help but feel bad for Tharn, the way the night was starting, the room would be trashed in no time.

"Where is Tharn anyway," Techno asked, "Doesn't he stay here in the room during the weekend?"

"He went home," Type replied, "But I might have mentioned to him that we were having a party when he was went."

Oam grinned, "Then what the hell are we waiting for? I'm fuckin' thirsty. Let me have a shot."

"Thirsty or greedy?" Techno countered, pouring an ample amount of alcohol in a glass and handing it over.

Type smiled. It had been days since the war of domination for the room started and Type has not been able to think of anything to make Tharn budge. The drummer had the resolve of steel but he had a good feeling that he was going to get something out of this newest idea. It was perfect. The moment he knew that Tharn was going home over the weekend, he thought about calling over his friends, a get together always spelled chaos and that's what he was aiming for. He grinned as he imagined Tharn's face when he comes back and discovers the state that their room will be in.

"Hey Type," called Oam, a drink in his hand, a handful of crumbly potato chips in the other, "Which one is your bed?"

Type's smile widened as he pointed towards the immaculately made-up bed with a rockband poster displayed over the headboard.

Techno gulped, he very well knew that was Tharn's.

"Great," Oam said before dropping his body over the sheets, scattering scraps of the chips all over the bed spread.

"I would have thought your bed was the other one," Team queried, looking towards the poster, "Since when have you been listening to rock music?"

"Mmmmm, just recently," Type said, taking a sip of the vodka mixer in his hand and imagining at the parade of ants that was surely on their way to attack the crumbs of chips that Oam was sprinkling all over Tharn's bed.

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