Not Gonna Happen

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Based from the original novel, TharnType by MAME

(This retelling is done for the sheer fun of writing and for sharing with the international fans, this wonderful story that will make you fall in love all over again. I am writing this for absolutely no monetary or commercial intent and will gladly take it down at the request of the author or the publisher, or whenever an official English translation will be made available.)



"I hate gays!"

The words continued to play on repeat inside Tharn's head as he walked slowly from the dormitories towards the university canteen where he meant to eat breakfast. Not that he was really having any appetite to have food on his stomach, in fact, he was filling a bit high strung because of the obvious hate that seethed from the words that kept on reminding him that he was different. As much as he has accepted who he was long ago, knew that most people did not really care, but having the words thrown at him like it was sharpened darts made his stomach turn; he knew that Type was not flinging the words directly at him, but the sting was still there.

All around him, students from the different faculties were milling around. It was really early for the first period of classes but students were already on their way to the canteens and cafeterias scattered all over the campus to meet up with friends, peers, cram for last minute assignments or basically loiter around until the first bell would prompt each one to dash to their respective classrooms.

The canteen was almost filled with students. The collective noise from each of the long tables filled with raucous young men and women, struggling to be heard above the din of others made for a brief respite from the disturbing sentence that kept on repeating in Tharn's thoughts. He glanced around for an empty table near enough to the food stalls but far from the entrance where most of the students were located. Spotting one, he turned towards that direction and used his long legs to navigate through the crowd.

"Wow, you're early today," a man's voice prompted Tharn to turn his head and meet the eyes of Longh, his highschool friend who also went to the same faculty as he did. In fact, they belonged to a band together, well, they used to be in a band together until things got a little too complicated and Tum, their former guitarist left and blamed Tharn for his step-brother's emotional breakdown. It was something that they never really talked about anymore, but Tum did not really know that it was Tar, his younger step-brother who broke up with Tharn in the first place.

The drummer gave his friend a lame smile as they continued to stroll towards the empty table.

"Yeah, I can't stand to stay at the dorm just now."

"What? Why? Not enough sex these days?" Longh teased, "With your string of exes and those currently running after you, I find that extremely impossible."

"Shut up Longh!" Tharn irritably snapped at his friend without even turning to face him, took the backpack that he had slung across one shoulder, tossed it on the table and left the laughing singer as the irritable young man walked towards one of the food booths to order his food.

"The usual breakfast Nong Tharn?" The smiling lady at the counter asked, she was the owner of the foodstall that the young drummer frequented and since he went to highschool at the high school department of the same university, he was pretty well known in the Music Department. In fact, their former band used to do rehearsals when they could get the chance at the music room of the building he was in now.

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