What the F***... I'm Not Done Yet! (Part 1/2)

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(Chapter 5 – Part 2/3 of the Novel)

"Cheese or Milk?"

The convenience store right infront of the school was as busy as always at that time of the day. Tharn, standing in front of the snacks were holding two bags of chips and has been unable to choose between the flavors. But he was not really thinking about the snacks. His mind kept remembering Type's eyes. The tears that were struggling to come out of those exquisitely long lashes.

But Type was to arrogant and proud to let those tears escape. He had a mask on. His face contorted in anger. But beneath it, Tharn could see vulnerability. He could see a child that was so afraid. Tharn was not feeling very good about himself. He had been blaming himself for his blunder. No matter how much he was mad at Type, the guy did not deserve to be disrespected the way he teased him.

He was also feeling sorry for himself. Sorry that he had to have a dick for a roommate. Someone like Type.

All the conflicting emotions was setting him on an edge. He chose to let his anger rise, and he was mad at Type all over again; forcing the image of the crying eyes deep behind everything else.

"Compared to what I have to go through," Tharn mumbled to himself, "This is nothing. Nothing! You damn brat! Good thing I am just teasing you and playing mind games, you deserve worst!" he continued, unconsciously squeezing on the pack of snacks in his hands in agitation.

"Hey... hey.. hey, " a voice spoke from a few feet away. Turning around, Tharn could see that his friend, Longh was strolling towards him. "The snack does not deserve to be choked you know? Who is it this time Ai'Tharn? Which ex is pestering you to get back with him?" he joked.

Longh knew that there were only a handful of things that could get Tharn spaced out and affected; none as effective as when one of his countless exes were after him again to get back together. He had been observing his friend from afar, and Tharn had been looking at the snacks in his hands for such a long time and Longh knew that something was bothering the drummer. He was curious.

"Nah," Tharn said, trying to smile. He raised the snacks in his hands and asked, "So which one? Cheese or Milk flavored?" Raising one of his eyebrows for emphasis.

"You're honestly telling me that you've been standing here the whole time trying to decide what flavor of popcorn you are getting?" Longh asked, not really convinced.

"Umm, yes, " Tharn lamely replied, "For midnight snacks."

"Are you trying to gain weight and be fat or are you just plain stress eating?"

"C'mon Ai'Longh, " Tharn said, exasperated.

"Here," Longh answered back, grabbed a pack of ready to eat dried seaweeds and handed them over to Tharn. "Popcorn are all greasy and full of saturated fat, they will bloat you and these are more healthy."

"You are a nutritional expert now?"Tharn said, smiling despite himself as Longh flexed his biceps.

"I still think that something is bothering you."

"Nah, I was just thinking about reforming the band," Tharn said, grabbing the pack of seaweeds, added another one and both the flavors of popcorn and dropped them on his basket. He walked towards the counter, Longh trailing along beside him. He added a big plastic bottle of soda in the basket before lining up to pay for his purchases.

"Oh, you really want to go that direction, "Longh was saying, "Because it'll really be easy to reform a band since Tum is not talking to you after what happened with Tar."

Tharn looked at Longh. It was true. The band they had in high school disbanded because Tum left. And at some extent it was Tharn's fault. He was in a relationship with Tar for awhile but what Tum did not know was that Tar was the one who broke up with him. It was one of those relationships that ended because one left without any explanation. He still could not figure out what Tar's reasons were. He just broke something that was very important to Tharn at a time when his high school emotions were running haywire. Tum keep on saying that it was his fault, that he was the reason that Tar's life was miserable, that Tharn destroyed his brother's life. That was years ago, and until now, Tum was not talking to him. That left him with Longh, the vocalist and himself, the drummer. It will definitely be not a walk at the park to find a bassist and a lead guitarist. But he really wanted to form a band again. That is, if he ever gets to resolve this thing with his dick of a roommate.

"But why was he crying?" Tharn kept asking himself.


The sun was still up when Type entered his room.

He looked around and found that no one was there. He gave a sigh of relief. He will have some moments of peace before his creepy roommate is back. He glanced around the room before finally settling on his bed.

The room had been divided with an unspoken rule that no one is to cross the other's territory; a rule he apparently broke the night before when he climbed into Tharn's bed and slept there. It still gave him the jitters but he was safe. His hand unconsciously went to his backside to check again; be he knew nothing happened.

Well, except for the marks on his body. But he was getting to that. Tharn had to pay. How? He still had no idea.

"Maybe," he mumbled to himself, "I should wear his stuff. Probably is underwear."

A chill run down his back.

"Oh shit. Definitely not! I will not go that low."Type kept on talking with himself.

"What was it Techno said?" he mussed, "Be inconsiderate. Be a jerk of a roommate so that he will run far far away from here and I will have peace and quiet."

His stomach rumbled.

"Darn," he swore, "I haven't had anything to eat. Guess I'll have to get some food from the cafeteria or the convenience store and just cook up some plans after my hunger has been fed."

He grabbed his keys from where he tossed them on the be and was about to head to the door when he saw the familiar plastic of the convenience store on Tharn's side of the room. Stuck on it, in sticky notes was a scribbled message.

"Keep your hands off my food!!!"

Type smiled.

"Well well well, "he said, "what do we have here? Tharn's midnight snacks."

Without much hesitation, he took the plastic and opened the snacks.

"Perfect. Just what I needed."

Sitting back down on his bed, he ate the bags of snacks and downed the bottle of soda. But there was too much. There was a half a pack left of seaweed chips and these he poured on top of Tharn's bed.

"Have to feed the ants too," Type was feeling happy, "I hope you have a great feast tonight, ants. And if Tharn is hungry, he can just go ahead and lick each chip off the place."

He was humming to himself. He knew it was childish but it was so satisfying he was proud of himself.

"Oh yes Tharn, you are leaving soon enough."

...to be continued...

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