Lube, Condoms, Alcohol & Porn (Part 1/3)

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Lube & Condoms


"What's with the smirk?" Techno asked.

He was a little concerned with the look that was plastered on his friend's face. Type had a smile on his face despite fighting with some seniors during practice. They were leaving the stands and were on their way back to the dormitory building where Type lived. It was right after cheering practice and for some reason; Techno knew that his friend was thinking of something mischievous to enact towards getting his roommate out of his dorm room.

But the lanky football player was ill at ease with what Type has been showing lately. He knew his handsome friend did something, but he was afraid to ask.

"I'm very sure that you are not concerned about the seniors you were in a fight with earlier," Techno stated rather than asked, "I have a very good idea that it is about a certain gay roommate that you are trying to scare away?"

"You're right, I am not a bit concerned about those seniors," Type answered. It was obvious that he was in a particularly good mood, "I was wondering what that faggot was doing. Hahaha, he is probably looking for his flip-flops right about now. Guess he won't be seeing one of them since they're no longer in the room." The young man laughed.

"Jesus, what did you do?" Techno stopped walking and glared at Type.

"Well you told me to mess up the room," Type said, looking behind his shoulders as he continued to walk, "and that's exactly what I did."

"You didn't," Techno said, he was shaking his head as he followed Type. Beside them, a few of their other friends were laughing as Type was describing a room that was barely cleaner than a trash bin from what he was telling them.

Techno barked an uneasy laugh. Their other friends thought it was all a joke, they did not realize that Type was very serious about what he was telling them. That he was absolutely mad and crazy when it came to things relating to Tharn. Techno could not understand. There was something missing from the picture that he could not really get what the fuss was all about.

Type was feeling exuberant as he walked up to the elevator and as soon as he was in the floor where their room was, he almost had a spring on his stride.

He was happy. He was excited to finally get a room by himself and away from the gay guy. He knew Tharn would have noticed the mess, who wouldn't; and for someone was meticulously clean as the drummer, that was something that was totally unacceptable. He wouldn't be surprised if the pansy had already left.

Type paused in front of his room, took a deep breath and prepared himself to celebrate and excitedly turned the knob and entered.

He lucked out.

Tharn was on his bed, his hands held comfortably behind his head as he hummed with the music coming from his earphones. The room was as clean as it was before Type got crazy.

No, half the room was. In fact, the room was now divided into two, the side where Tharn was lounging as if he were on a vacation, and the other half that looked like all hell went loose.

Type's stuff were everywhere on that half you could almost literally see the demarcation line, on top of his cabinet was one of his underwear, hanging like a chinese lantern.

"What the fuck did you do?" Type screamed, hastily walking towards where his briefs were flowing on the breeze. But he stepped on something and a wet, squishy sound came from where his sneakers were.

He could see some sort of gel, and underneath is foot was a tube of what looked like toothpaste...except it was different.

Titan Gel!

"What the..."

"Oh, there you are! I thought I heard a rat squeak!" came Tharn's voice. "You found it, that's for you. I thought you needed something to make you more of a man than what you are... I'm guessing you have a small...problem... with your side of the room."

"Tharn!" Type snarled, about to step towards the composed young man who was sitting calmly on his bed when something hit him on the face. By reflex, he caught the metallic sachets that caught him off guard.

"This is..."

"Yes, that's also for you! Some condoms to go with the lube." Tharn said, a devilish smile on his face.

"Fuck you..."

"You wish!"

"It's not funny! Get your stuff back," Type screamed, his anger and discomfort all the more magnified by the composure that the other young man was displaying.

"I don't need them," Tharn replied with a smile. "Keep them, they might come in handy... opppss, that's a pun there... you know, cum!"

"I am not joking... didn't your parents ever tell you not to touch other people's things? Not only are you gay but you are rude and disgusting!"

"Oh, so your parents didn't teach you not to touch other people's things? Wasn't that what you just did to my stuff?"


"I want to teach you that you are not the only one who can do that to others, I am not some weakling you can corner and then I will flee. " Tharn said, a cold smile on his face. "Oh, I wrote you something too, its on your packets of condoms."

Type grabbed at the sachets that was draped on his shoulder and read.


That did it. The young man bunched the condoms in his fist and threw it back towards the smirking face of Tharn hitting him squarely on the face just as it did Type.

Type smiled.

"I hate you Tharn, I have you more than any other gay in the world, and I will make you leave."

The two young men stared at each other. The room became icy and deathly still. It has become a war zone. It was silent until Tharn finally said, "I thought I wouldn't do anything to you other than this, but you gave me no choice. You hate me this much... so be it. Fine, but always look behind you because I am never leaving."

"Arrggghhh!!! Asshole!" Type shouted in frustration, grabbed at his towel that was on the floor, walked purposely towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut! be continued

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