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Jimin opened the door and a lady walked in like she owned the place. Obviously, she'd been here before, I thought as a twinge of jealousy flared unexpectedly. She was very pretty and had a lot of confidence. Jimin's face lit up when he saw her and he kissed her face like he had kissed mine.

When he had kissed me though, it gave me funny feelings inside. My heart had felt like it was doing flip-flops inside my chest and it was hard to breathe. It didn't seem like this lady felt that way when he kissed her. She just smiled and kissed his cheek too.

Jimin turned to me and pulled me forward, introducing me.

"Hae, I want you to meet Poppy. She's come to live with me. Poppy, this is Hae. She's my stylist from work. It's her job to make people look good."

I smiled at her; I guess she seemed friendly enough. I didn't know what a stylist was, but if she's the one that made Jimin look like he does, then she's very good at her job.

Jimin explained to Hae that I only had the clothes I was wearing right now and he'd appreciate it if she'd go shopping to get me some basic clothes to start out with until he could take me on a big shopping trip. He also admitted he didn't have a clue the kind of things I would need and that's why he wanted her help getting me started.

She came over close to me, looking me up and down, and then asked Jimin if there was a room we could go into privately. He showed her the way to the closest bathroom.

"This jumpsuit is so baggy, it's hard to even tell what shape you are," she said to me, smiling. We went into the bathroom and she unzipped my jumpsuit, letting it fall to the floor, not even batting an eye that I was completely naked underneath. She stood back and looked me over, head to toe, walking all the way around me.

"You have the cutest little body," she said, pleasantly surprised. "Any kind of clothing will look great on you. Let's see what we've got to work with; slender with a tiny waist, perky breasts, and a nice firm butt. You're very sexy, Poppy. Someone's going to be very happy."

She whipped out a tape measure and measured me all over, chatting about different styles the entire time. When she was finished, she helped me back into my clothes and asked what style of clothes I thought I would like best. I shook my head; I had no clue.

"Ok, trust me then. I know what would look best on you. Your hair is cute and so is your makeup. So I think cute, sporty, or trendy styles would work best and you'd match well with Jimin's style," she told me.

"I'm not wearing any makeup," I said, quietly.

She grabbed my face and peered at it closely. "Hmmm, you lucky duck! You're one of the blessed ones then," she jealously said. "I'll pick you up some girly products as well. Your looks are safely in my hands, cutie pie. No worries."

With that said, she kissed both my cheeks, opened the bathroom door and left. I stood there staring into the mirror at my reflection. Why was I one of the blessed ones? I squinted at my reflection. I just looked normal, not even pretty; my eyes were far too large in my small face and I was too pale.

I could hear her and Jiminie talking and then she laughed as the front door opened and closed. I came out of the bathroom to find him waiting for me, blushing and alone.

"You chose well, Jimin. That one could turn a monk into a pervert. She even gave me the tingles. You'll be very happy with her," she said, implying something that made my face flush.

"I didn't get her to be my blow-up doll, Hae," I told her. "She's my companion; that's all."

She smirked, patting my cheek like I was a child, and said, "Just keep telling yourself that. I'd keep her away from your hyungs if I were you. They'll be all over her, especially Joon and Hobi." She turned to leave, saying over her shoulder, "Unless you don't mind sharing her." Laughing at my obvious discomfort with the conversation, she went out the door.

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