part 25: water tower..!

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time has past since you had started your trip across the great deserted ocean in search of an answer as to what had happened. the sun has long since set behind the vast land, casting you all into starlit darkness. it was odd, watching the sun set without the soothing orange reflection the ocean had once gave it, giving you all the more determination to get to the bottom of this.

you also noted the conditions of your close friends. the gems were just fine, as they didn't need substances or sleep to sustain themselves, but connie and greg were quick to fall asleep once the sun had disappeared. pearl had taken the wheel by the time greg turned in for the night. Steven was still running strong, eyes as focused and determined as yours and spinel just hummed to herself cheerily, occasionally fiddling with her stretchy fingers or playing with strands of your hair. and you couldn't help but feel proud. proud to have such friends by your side...

"I can't believe lapis would do this," Steven suddenly spoke up from behind you, breaking the extensive silence. "gems shouldn't fight each other." pearl stared down at the steering wheel somberly. "we're always fighting gems, actually." Steven looked stunned. "what?!" pearl hesitates slightly. "oh, how do I put this..?" she mutters. "all gems aren't necessarily... good." amethyst suddenly darts forward, up and awake. "all those monsters we fought used to be just like us!" she exclaimed, catching your attention. "right pearl?" you raise your head slightly, starting to listen carefully to their conversation. "yes," pearl replied. "But they've become corrupted and broken." you felt your chest freeze at this as she continued. "we have to take care of them, subdue them, contain them." she explained, sending a chill down your back. "it's the best we can do for them, for now." you let out a silent sigh as your eyes began to sting with the presence of tears.

"however... there is hope for them." she continued, making your eyes widen in slight curiosity. "just look ahead of you," pearl gestured to you, who was still walking ahead. "while her appearance might be corrupted... (name) is far from any corrupt gem we've ever encountered." a light smile curls your lips as your chest swelled with a warm, fuzzy pride. "she's an example that shows that not all gems are completely lost." pearl stated. "which shows that someday, we will get to the bottom of this corrupt, and perhaps even develop a cure for-"

"WHAAA!!?" you flinch at spinel's loud, astonished cry from behind your withers, promptly you to turn back towards her quizzically. "why spinel sound sooooooo...!?" you turned to the direction she was facing your mouth dropping open at the sight presented to you.

you found the ocean.

but.. it was in the form of a giant tower of sorts, glowing and swirling with an unknown energy. you tightened your jaw at the sight, eyes narrowed into a fierce glare. found her. "I don't get it," spinel queried, itching her head. "what does that lazuli gem want with the ocean?"


her voice boomed across the landscape, making spinel flinch and duck into your withers. she sensed us... you stomp forward and tip your head back, opening your maw to bellow back at the gem. "LAZULI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" the water of the tower sloshes for a moment before the image of her face appears, glaring down at you in what appears to be distrust and mild scorn. "Go away! or I'll MAKE you." she snarls, prompting you to sink your fingers into the sand in frustration. "but, aren't you supposed to be a beach summer-fun-buddy for Steven?" spinel squeaked, pointing to the boy who smiled at her. the water suddenly warped into his face and-


wha-?! she suddenly lunges forward, getting incredibly close to your faces. "You're one of them! one of the crystal gems!" she spat before rounding her gaze to you. "and you don't even know who you used to be!" your eyes widened as her words pierced your chest like icy spears, before shaking your head into a snarl. "(name) knows that (name) is a gem!" you shot back. "we're all gems!" Steven stepped forward, his face soft. "yeah! just let us help you!" lapis backed up, her face now looking saddened. "you don't understand." she said sharply, but remorsefully. "just leave me alone..." with that, she retracts into the ocean wall. you punch the ground in agitation, and lurch forward, knocking spinel out of your withers and pound against the water walls. "NOT UNTIL LAPIS LAZULI GIVES BACK OCEAN--" a massive arm suddenly lashes out of the water wall and grips you by the throat in a cold, tight grip. your eyes widened as you saw you-- a clone made of water-- emerge from the water wall, glaring with menacing blue eyes. "I said... LEAVE ME ALONE!!" it reared back its fist and slugged you in the chest, knocking you a ways back into the sand. "(NAME)!" spinel races to your side and places a hand on your flank. "you alright there?" you roll to your belly and regard the gem with a warm smile, in which she returns. you both look over to the tower to see other forms take shape; water replicas of the crystal gems, weapons up and ready.

you snarl and raise to you paws and hooves, your horns and mouth glowing in a dangerous light while spinel growls in her throat. "well, well, well, well!" she exclaimed her voice taking on a dark note. "someone's playing hard to get!" you growl and paw at the ground crouching into a fighting stance. "But I don't like this game very much..." spinel crooned, swelling her fists into comedically large size, smiling sinisterly. "Let's end it!"

if that's how it's gonna be, lazuli...

A dangerous grin curls your lips.

then let's play...

With a bellowing battle roar, you launched yourself forward.

Your first battle commencing! Whoo!

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now