136: Don't have to worry

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After the test was done with; you all went back to the Beach House, where you decided to bake a cake to celebrate Steven's 'victory'.

While you were busy baking in the kitchen, Steven and Spinel were up in his loft room, playing video games to pass the time while the older gems retreated back to their actual rooms in the temple, save for Amethyst who eagerly waited for the cake to be finished at the bar.

The two were relatively silent as they were focused on their game. That is until they came up to a level that was oddly similar to the gem's levels, from the rolling boulder, swinging blades and even the fire path. Steven had do issue with clearing the obstacles, but it took Spinel a while to get used to waiting for the right moment.

Finally, once they reached a cutscene, Spinel took the opportunity to speak up. "So Stevie... What was the hardest part of the test?"

Steven was quiet for a moment. "Well... I guess the level with the tiles was pretty tough." He said casually with a shrug. "And the fire level with the spikes kinda threw me off."

"Yeah, Garnet said it might..." Spinel hummed thoughtfully, idly watching the loading screen. Her gaze then shifted from the spinning circle to the kitchen, where Amethyst was sat at the bar, cheering you on as you stirred the batter. Her gaze lingered on you for a while before she returned her attention back to the screen. "...how'd (Name) take it all, though?"

"Wha?" Steven seemed caught off guard by the question.

"(Name)." she peeked at Amethyst again, making sure she's not paying attention. "We were all pretty worried about how'd she react to all those... levels n' stuff."

"Oh." Steven shrank slightly. His eyes darted around a bit. "She... took it well... for the uh... most part..."

"Yeah?" Spinel side-eyed Steven, as he suddenly displayed an oddly weariness when he spoke. Spinel wasn't looking at him directly, but he still found himself looking anywhere but her direction.

"Yeah, uhm... you know, she handled everything pretty well..." Steven chuckled nervously, gripping his controller a bit tightly as he tried to keep his focus on the television screen. "I think the fire level maybe threw her off, but... ehm..."

There was an extended pause between the two as Steven trailed off. Spinel pursed her lips slightly as she listened to him fumble for words. After a while, she finally spoke up; "...She found out the whole thing was a hoax, huh?"

As soon as she said this, Steven slumped a bit, looking quite guilty.

"...yeah." He admitted after a moment of hesitance. "We... we both kinda did."

"Oh." Spinel winced, playing with her pigtail sheepishly. "Sorry bout that, Stevie."

"N-No, It's fine." He assured, but he let out a small sigh. "Just... Please don't tell the gems." He looked at the pink gem pleadingly. "They... they made it because they wanted to make me feel better... and... and I--"

"Hey, don't worry about it, bud!" Spinel smiled brightly, giving Steven a reassuring smack on the back. "I can keep a secret!"

Steven gave a relieved, humbled smile to the pink gem. "Thanks, Spinny."

Spinel giggled and returned to the game, the two falling silent they concentrated on maneuvering their characters through the in-game obstacles.

"How did ya both figure it out?" Spinel asked after a bit of playing. "Did ya make a misstep or somethin'?"

Steven thought for a moment. "Actually... (Name) kinda did." He replied. "It was on Garnet's level, with the fire stuff... after she kinda..." he hesitated a bit, looking over at the kitchen, eyeing you and Amethyst nervously. "Caved...? A bit..?"

"Caved...?" Spinel knit her brow as she mulled the word over. "...What's that mean?"

"Well, uhm..." Steven looked down, trying to find the right words to explain it. "You know when I made her promise not to... help me?"

"Yeah...?" Spinel raised her brow, checking over at the kitchen herself.

"Well... she managed to keep it through Pearl and Amethyst levels, but when she saw the spike thing..." he faltered slightly. "...she tried to save me."

"Save..?" Spinel turned her head to look at Steven, who seemed to avoid eye contact with the pink gem.

"She tried to... push me out of the way." He said after a moment of hesitance. "That's when it all kinda got pieced together..."

"Ah. Yikes." Spinel winced. "Well... at least no one was hurt... right?"

"I... I guess." He looked down at the controller in his hands. Now that the thought was back in his head, he looked more troubled than ever. "Still though... she was gonna let herself get squished just to save me..."

He looked back over at you as you tried to pry the bowl and spoon out of Amethyst's grip as she tried to savor every last bit of batter.

"I really don't want her to hurt herself because of me."

"Hey now... I... wouldn't sweat it, Stevie." She set a hand on the boy's shoulder, smiling reassuringly at him. "I'm... pretty sure it was the heat of the moment. There was fire n' blades n' boulders n' stuff... all that tension probably got the better of her..."

"Yeah..." Steven hummed, looking down at his lap in though.

Even if it was all fake in the end, it must have been stressful for you to watch him maneuver through all those dangerous looking obstacles...

"I just.. wanted to show her that I could handle myself." Steven shrank a bit in guilt. "She already has a lot to worry about... I just wanted her to see that.. she didn't have to worry about me all the time."

"Yeah... I can understand that..." Spinel shrugged, itching the back of her head. "But... Isn't that what mothers are supposed to do?"

Steven's brows furrowed, as the question hit him.

"...well yeah, but-"

"Cake is ready!"

Steven was suddenly interrupted by you calling up to them both from the kitchen.

"Come down now before Amethyst eats it all!"

"Yay!" Spinel cheered, jumping to her feet. Although she was excited to indulge in your baking, she was also thankful for the positive distraction. "I can use some cake about now! Right, Stevie?"

"Uh- Yeah!" Steven was quick to set down his controller and climb to his feet as well, putting on an eager smile as he made his way downstairs.

He knew he'd have to address his worries sometime soon. After all, the last thing he wanted was for you to get yourself actually injured for him.

At some point you'd have to understand that you didn't have to worry about him. He was a crystal gem, after all!

But, as he sat himself at the barstool, he pushed those troubling thoughts to the back of his mind as he was served an especially large cut of cake.

He'd get to those issues at some point.

But for now, all's he had to do was try to be careful for you for the time being.

Sorry, it was another filler, >o< next chapter will have more merit, I promise-

Not written in the best manner, but I could always tweak it if need be!

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now